MLA-MVC Annual Meeting April 22th, 2013 Mississippi Valley Conservation
Environmental Monitoring Programs Include; ● Watershed Watch ● Invasive Species ● Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network OBBN) ● Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol (OSAP) ● Stream Monitoring and Research Team Eastern Region (SMARTER) ● Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) ● Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) ● Others
Watershed Watch Program began in 1998 ● Water Clarity – Secchi Disc ● Chlorophyll a ● Total Phosphorus ● Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Profiles ● pH, Air Temperature ●Seine Netting State of the Lake Reports are developed and available on the MVC website the following spring.
Watershed Watch Lakes for 2013 Mackavoy Lake Kishkebus lake Shabomeka Lake Mazinaw Lake McCausland Lake Marble Lake Kashwakamak Lake Mississagagon Lake Mississippi Lake
Invasive Species MVC participates in the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters Invasive Species program. MVC Samples for Zebra Mussels, Spiny Water Flea and Rusty Crayfish. Updates on MVC website.
Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network (OBBN) The purpose of the OBBN is to enable assessment of aquatic ecosystem condition using benthos as indicators, of water and habitat quality.
Ontario Stream Assessment Protocol (OSAP) OSAP is a protocol containing a series of standardized methods used for identifying sites, evaluating benthos, fish communities, physical habitat and water temperature in wadeable streams.
Stream Monitoring and Research Team – Eastern Region (SMARTER) A collaborative stream-monitoring and stream-research network that consists of Eastern Ontario CA’s (MVC, RVCA, SNC, Raisin, Cataraqui, Quinte), City of Ottawa, MNR and MOE. The group share’s information, and collaborates on stream monitoring, research and data management. Members of SMARTER began a Biocriteria project in 2009 to determine the least disturbed reference site in the entire SMARTER region. This is done by taking a systematic approach to determine stressor variables on 3rd to 5th order streams and sample them using certain OBBN and OSAP protocols. This is a 5 year project and there is over 500 sites being sampled.
Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network (PWQMN) MVC has been collecting data for the Ministry of the Environment and it’s PWQMN since the early 1970’s. PWQMN concentrates on surface water and is analyzed for such parameters as Nitrates, Lead, Suspended Solids and Chloride. MVC collects samples from 14 locations throughout our watershed once a month from April till November. An additional 2 sites were added in 2005 at the cost of MVC.
Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network (PGMN) The PGMN was developed by the Ministry of the Environment and it’s partners to better understand Ontario’s groundwater. Samples are analyzed for parameters such as; Ammonia, General Chemistry and Metals. MVC has 9 wells at 8 sites. Wells in Lanark, Carleton Place, Black’s Corners, Sharbot Lake and Dunrobin have water samples collected.
Other Monitoring Projects. Turtle Monitoring Project Assist with Bio-blitz Enviro-thon Education Days
Citizen Science
Bird Study Canada Christmas Bird Count Project Nest Watch Project Feeder Watch Canadian Lakes Loon Watch Lake Partner Program / Great Ontario Dip-In Ministry of the Environment