Maggie Eisner June 2009
An individual case in which there has been a significant occurrence (not necessarily involving an undesirable outcome for the patient) is analysed in a systematic and detailed way to ascertain what can be learnt about the overall quality of care and to indicate changes that might lead to future improvements. It doesnt work well if there is a blame culture
Practices encouraged to have SEA meetings when an incident has occurred GPs encouraged to include SEA in evidence for appraisal Trainees encouraged to include SEA in EP log SEA may be mandatory part of evidence for revalidation SEA likely to be Deanery requirement for EP But never mind all the people whore demanding it of us - its a powerful and positive tool to make things better
What happened? Who was involved? What feelings might they have had about the incident? What about the relationships between the people involved? What organisational systems were relevant to the incident? What changes would you propose to reduce the risk of recurrence?
Person/people responsible for the event Person/people who witnessed it Person/people who reported it Person/people who didnt report it (although they knew or had an idea it had happened) Person/people responsible for the team Person/people affected by the event Friends and relatives of person/people affected by the event
Feelings – alarmed, sorry, guilty, angry, desperate, resentful, confused, indifferent, betrayed, embarrassed, upset, ambivalent, frightened, anxious, victimised, worried, unsupported, worthless, overlooked, belittled, misunderstood, self righteous, shocked, overwhelmed, sad, outraged, indignant, disappointed, despairing, bereft, irritated, impatient, weary, miserable, phlegmatic, discouraged, proud, satisfied, elated, relieved, flattered, glowing, affirmed, vindicated, energised, encouraged, excited, optimistic Relationships - co-operative, competitive, collaborative, comradely, equal, unequal, hierarchical, respectful, contemptuous, trusting, mistrustful, bullying, obsequious, dismissive, familiar, unfamiliar, relaxed, tense, formal, informal, supportive, unsupportive, challenging, undermining
Standard questions How could things have been different? What can we learn from what happened? What needs to change? But its unlikely that we will learn anything if we dont take account of peoples feelings, because the feelings get in the way of the learning. This is also true of the relationships between the people involved. Feelings may need to be explored on 1:1 basis before and/or after any SEA meeting SEA meeting chair needs group facilitation skills
Personal organisation (to-do lists, notebooks, electronic reminders etc) Communication Spoken: doctor-patient, within team, handover Written: medical records (paper, electronic), notice boards, correspondence, patient messages Postal systems, telephone systems, electronic systems Meetings Access Appointment systems Telephone lines Guidelines Clinical Procedural Training Induction Refresher training Cascading new information to team
Write a first person (I) narrative of a SEA from the point of view of anyone involved in it except yourself Include What happened (as they see it) Their relationships with other people involved Their feelings about the incident
Make an objective note of exactly what happened And what happened next And the outcome And – can you identify any nodal points when a key decision was made which determined what happened next?
Discuss the writing from one or more group members (good to read it out if you can) Look at the systems relevant to the event Discuss what might be changed, especially at the nodal points, to reduce the risk of recurrence Discuss what would be needed to make the changes most likely to happen and be effective Compare this with what actually happened