Name:_________________ The Buildup to World War II Do Now: Big Idea: The economic cost of WWI combined with the Great Depression and the Treaty of Versailles led to the rise of totalitarian dictators and fascism throughout Europe The World After WWI Only _____________ and the ____________came out of WWI better than before rise in _________________and overthrow of old ___________________________ ( i.e Hapsburgs, Ottomans, Romanovs)- New countries in Eastern Europe had little experience with ___________________________ - Frequent changes in government leaders led to_______________ The Germany After WWI New democratic government called ________________________ - It is blamed for _____________________- Germany develops serious _______________ - To pay expenses of war, Germany printed more money - led to ____________________________ - __________________________- U.S attempted to help with payment plan, but fell apart after stock market crash in 1929
Worldwide Great Depression - U.S stock market crashes in _______________led to economic depression across the world- Some nations avoided political extremes such as ____________________and ____________________, preserving democracies Why do you think these areas were able to preserve democracy? Others such as _______________ and _____________looked to a new system for relief Rise of Totalitarianism Definition of totalitarianism: Stalin as a Totalitarian Leader
Name:_________________ The Rise of Fascism Benito Mussolini “Il Duce” Why fascism in Italy? What is Fascism? Why Mussolini?
Adolf Hitler - “Der Fuhrer” What is Nazism?- _____________________________________________ - supported by __________________________- wanted overturn ______________________________ and combat ___________________ - Private militia or secret police - ________________________ - “___________________” (My Struggle) - plan of action for the Nazi Party - _____________________- superior blonde blue eyed Germans- “lebensraum” - ___________________ - When Depression hit Germany, Nazis rose in popularity - - Hitler appointed Chancellor in Indoctrination - ___________________ - Used Jews as ___________________ Notes on the Rise of the Third Reich Japanese Fascism
Comparing Systems - Uses extreme governmental control on all aspects of life - Does not promote individualism - Justifies its extreme methods of control because other methods seek to destroy it - Extreme nationalism - military conquest of other nations - Maintains private property but all production is directed by government - Appears to upper and middle classes - Government control is constant -Very anti-communist Communism BothFascism - Sense of international classless world and international revolution - No private property and no class distinctions - Appeals to lower/working class - Promises eventual dissolution of government control - Very anti-fascist Name:_________________ Communist Countries and Leaders Fascist Countries and Leaders Democratic Countries and Leaders
T The War! The stage is set...but who starts it?! Label the following with leaders name and country Vs.