CMGS What has it ever done for me? Su Stenhouse Chair, CMGS
Clinical Molecular Genetics Society Founded in 1987, Oxford. Representative organisation for scientists in molecular genetics. Attained charitable status in 1995 To promote the science of clinical molecular genetics for the benefit of the public; to further public education therein; to promote study and research work in the field and publish the results.
Current CMGS Executive Su Stenhouse (Chair) Graham Taylor (Vice-chair) Sarah Warburton (Secretary) Sian Ellard (Treasurer) Simon Ramsden Stephanie Allen Laz Lazarou Becky Treacy Geraldine Malone John Short
BSHG British Society of Human Genetics Clinical Genetics Society Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists Clinical Molecular Genetics Society Cancer Genetics Group ( associate)
CMGS What has the CMGS ever done for me? Founded QA sub-committee Best practice meetings & guidelines Founded training sub-committee TAB Point of contact for DH on these issues and so gives us a voice in policy making
What else has it done for me? Spring Scientific Conference BSHG conference Travel grants (for MTOs too) Website: jobs, lab info, new discussion board Supported the ACGT in its efforts to establish the voluntary register
Mates In a small profession like ours the CMGS membership will become your mates! In a profession like ours they may be the only mates you can get! Some of my best friends are molecular geneticists…….
Ask not what your society can do for you, ask what you can do for your society The CMGS can only voice the thoughts and concerns of its members if it knows what those are. Take part, get involved, make your views known, stand for election. MTOs need to take part to have a voice. We need new blood in all areas of the CMGS Im on my last legs……..