ICSR 1 Principles of Open Standards Ken Krechmer Fellow, 2003 International Center for Standards Research University of Colorado at Boulder
ICSR 2 “ Who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?” John Milton, Areopagiticia, A speech for the liberty of unlicensed printing in the Parliament of England, 1644
ICSR 3 Creating Freedom Democracy - open government Freedom of speech - open media Open technology - open standards
ICSR 4 Definition of a Technical Standard “A Technical Standard defines for a society the limits on the constraints used for one or more technical comparisons between implementations.”
ICSR 5 Ten Principles of Open Standards 1.Open to stakeholders 2.Consensus 3.Due Process 4.Open IPR 5.Open World 6.Open Access 7.Open Meeting 8.On-going Support 9.Open Interfaces 10.Open Use
ICSR 6 1.Openness – all stake holders may participate in the standards development process. Original ANSI requirement
ICSR 7 2.Consensus – all interests are discussed and agreement found, no domination. Original ANSI requirement
ICSR 8 3.Due Process – balloting and an appeals process may be used to find resolution. Original ANSI requirement
ICSR 9 4.Open IPR – holders of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) must identify themselves during the standards development process. New ANSI requirement
ICSR 10 5.Open World – same standard for the same function, world-wide. ANSI supported
ICSR 11 6.Open Access – all may access committee documents, drafts and completed standards
ICSR 12 7.Open Meeting – all may participate in standards development meetings
ICSR 13 8.On-going Support – standards are supported until user interest ceases rather than when provider interest declines.
ICSR 14 9.Open Interfaces – interfaces allow additional functions, public or proprietary.
ICSR Open Use – low or no charge for IPR necessary to implement an accredited standard.
ICSR 16 Summation Open Standards Concept ImpactRisk/Reward Open Access – to committee Little revenue loss, possible low/medium work-in-progress documents stakeholder increase On-going Support – of Increased user participationlow/medium accredited standards Open Access – to completed Loss of standard documentmedium/medium committee documents sales revenue Open Meetings – all may attend Loss of membership duesmedium/medium Open Interfaces New technical requirementsmedium/high Open Use Loss of economic motivationhigh/low