AUA/OSI Workshop Functional based competencies ASSESSMENT Facilitator: Crape Byron Janev Holcer NatasaShabashov Alexey Sumskas LinasGill Artyom Isjanovska RozalindaDaburov Komil Minca Dana Galietta
Assessing health of population Levels of reporting: National Regional Local level
Sources of information Routine Health statistic data (national data) Health insurance data Sentinel data (small populations, data which is not collected by routine health statistics) Surveys (risky behaviors, rare diseases etc.) Registers –Cancer –Cardiovascular diseases –Accidents –Surveys
Indicators for health needs assessment Morbidity Mortality Behavioral risk factors estimation Use of health services Use of medicines by population
Competencies Research methodologies –Sampling –Surveillance systems (active and passive) –Hypothesis testing –Questionnaire design –Identification of risk factors –Gathering data, avoiding biases –Biostatistics, statistical packages –Qualitative (community forums, focus groups, interviews community forums, round tables )
Competencies Quality control –Use of standardized reporting systems, ICD 10 Training –Quality control checks of surveillance system Computer skills –Data management –Data analysis –Data presentation Expertise on data Reporting, communication and advocating
Establishing schools of Public Health in the regions –Competency to train people for health needs assessment –Implications to particular regional, geographical, climate, socio-economic and political features –Establishing continuous surveillance –Field work