Journalism & the Military COM 327 March Quiz 2.Group presentation 3.“4 th Estate”? 4.Group work
1. “there are very powerful interests in _______________ who greatly benefit politically and economically by the establishment of an unchecked war on terrorism.” a) China b) the United States c) Russia d) Pakistan
2. McChesney notes that President Eisenhower was the first to come up with the term “______________ complex” to describe the combination of capitalist and militaristic interests a) happy funtimes b) superiority c) military-industrial d) shadow
3. What did CNN do in reporting on the war in Afghanistan to ensure that they would satisfy both US and international audiences (who wanted a more critical perspective)? a) Provided separate versions to Americans and global viewers b) Covered the war critically for all audiences c) Talked about everything except the war d) Promoted the war uncritically around the world
4. McChesney points out that the debate in the corporate news over whether to go to war following September 11 th was: a) Lengthy b) Complicated c) Nonexistent d) Encouraged
Est. 17 th century Price 6d The Fourth Estate 1 st Estate: Church 2 nd Estate: Nobility 3 rd Estate: Common folk Historical purpose of the 4 th estate was to keep the other 3 (particularly the church & nobility) accountable and honest. ORIGINATED IN EUROPE IN 1700’s! Early newspapers were a fixture of 18 th century coffeehouse culture
“For all of this tumultuous history, we hold fast to a vision of the powerful impact of the press, for good and bad.” G. Shaya, The Myth of the Fourth Estate oundtable/the-myth-of-the-fourth-estate.php
For its almost 300 year history, the press has EITHER been regarded as the champion of democracy… Walter Cronkite: "“A democracy ceases to be a democracy if its citizens do not participate in its governance. To participate intelligently, they must know what their government has done, is doing and plans to do in their name… This is the meaning of freedom of press. It is not just important to democracy, it is democracy.” Blah blah news blah blah reporting blah
…OR the cause of democracy’s downfall
“The People’s Choice” (Lazarsfeld, 1944) Paul Lazarsfeld: One of the earliest researchers of “mass communication” Study of the effects of the press on forming opinion during the 1940 presidential election Major finding: family and friends more influential in the formation of political views than newspapers
If the press doesn’t have much power in shaping public opinion, what is its role? Framing theory? WWJCS? (What Would James Carey Say?)
Eisenhower’s Farewell Address January 17, 1961 WW2 General and (Republican) President from ‘53-61 “we have been compelled to create a permanent armament industry of vast proportions… …only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals”
According to Eisenhower: Only an “alert and knowledgeable citizenry” can keep the “military-industrial complex” accountable. Alert to what? Knowledgeable of what? ARE we an alert and knowledgeable citizenry?
Where do YOU get Your news from?
TIME TRAVEL! LET’S GO BACK TO 2003: Start of the Iraq War Finding Nemo was the top movie, followed by Return of the King and the FIRST Pirates of the Caribbean. In da Club (50 Cent) was the top Billboard song Top-selling games: Madden 04 (w Michael Vick), GTA Vice City, Legend of Zelda: Windwaker What were the main justifications of the Iraq war? What were the main criticisms?
Groups of 4. 1.Find mainstream news articles from 2003 about the Iraqi invasion - NYT archives search - Washington Post archives search - advanced Google News search (keywords: weapons of mass destruction, Saddam, Operation Iraqi Freedom, hearts and minds, shock and awe) 2. What’s the source (Independent Blog? Political cartoon? News outlet?) 3. Is this source “mainstream” or “alternative”? 4. How is the war “framed”? - what major criticisms of, or justifications for, the war are being used?