Drinking & Driving Mrs. Stout West Middle School
Public Policy Analyst Public Policy Analyst ► Step 1: Define the Problem Define the ProblemDefine the Problem ► Step 2: Gather the Evidence Gather the EvidenceGather the Evidence
Is Drinking and Driving a Problem in the United States? YESNO
Did You Know? ► 3 out of 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol related crash at some point in their lives.
Drinking & Driving Kills Alcohol impaired car crashes account for 1/3 of all traffic related deaths In 2008, 11,773 people in the United States were killed in an alcohol impaired driving crashes.
How Are Teenagers Affected? ► Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of death for year olds.
TASK Fill in notes outline in your packet while looking at the following slide. You are writing down the ways drinking and driving can impact a person’s life. How can drinking and driving affect a person’s life?
Minor Health Injury
Major Health Injury
Permanent Injury Permanent Injury
Legal Consequences
Don’t Drink & Drive ► Star Wars PSA Star Wars PSA Star Wars PSA How can we prevent DWI?