Shipment / Container Tracking Inquiry By MIS Department
Page 2 Shipment / Container Tracking Inquiry Related Factories and Vendors create In Transit records automatically when they ship/bill Jordache The Shipment / Container Inquiry is a simple way to find In Transit Containers or FGPOs with quantities by size The inquiry can search for a shipment, container, FGPO or style number The result will be a container and shipment with a status of Shipped (In Transit) or Received Please note that if the shipment was not created on the RLM system, the results will be blank! (Skip to the Main Menu)
Page 3 Glossary of Training Terms The following terms will be used throughout this training program: –Field: A box on the screen into which you enter information –Value: The information (data) being entered in the field. Example: Division number, FGPO number –Icon: An image you may click to perform a function such as select, submit or exit –(Single-)Click: Also “Select.” Hitting the left mouse button once. This will activate an icon or select a row in a list of values –Double-click: Hitting the left mouse button twice o the same part of the screen. Used only to select and return a value from a list.
Page 4 Using the RLM System These are the primary RLM icons you will use: – Search: Located next to entry fields. Clicking this icon brings up a pop-up window with a list of all possible values for the field (for example, the next to the Division field will show a list of all divisions) (Shift-F9 keys or F21 key) – Select: Located on the Search pop-up windows. You may click on a line and click Select to return its value to the main screen – OK (Submit): Located in the bottom right corner of each screen. Processes the information on screen and brings you to the next screen – Return (Back): Located at the top of each screen. Click this icon to go back one screen (F2 key) – Exit: Located at the top of each screen. Click this icon to return to the menu or close a pop-up (F3 key)
Page 5 Enter your User ID and Password here Note: User ID and Password are initially assigned by MIS. You will be prompted to change it the first time you login. The password field IS case-sensitive. Sign On Click OK
Page 6 Click the check (or hit the Enter key) to proceed Welcome Click here to proceed (Enter key)
Page 7 RLM Main Menu Enter the Company number If you don’t enter a Company or enter the wrong number, you will receive this error: Click OK Enter the application number for the menu or click the correct button in the menu at left Enter the application number for the FGPO or Production Inquiry menu or click the correct button in the menu at left
Page 8 Production Inquiry Menu Select “Shipment/Container Inquiry”
Page 9 Search Form This form is used to search the database. The selection made in the “Option” section identifies what is being requested. Enter a value here (Container, User PO, Shipment, Style (first 4 digits only), etc. Select from the list the type of item for which you want to search (Container, User PO, Shipment, Style, etc. Click OK
Page 10 Inquiry Results Current Checkpoint reflects the status. If no data shows up, the PO or Container was not shipped in RLM The Shipment number appears here The Container number appears here
Page 11 About the Shipment Numbers Shipment numbers are automatically assigned by the system with a prefix letter based on the country of origin: –J for AJICO (Jordan) –K for Kenya –L for MKLEN (Madagascar) –M for Morocco/Blue Star –Y for Mexico (Yucatan) –X or W for MG-created shipments –DS (or a season e.g., S7) for Directions Studio The number following the prefix is simply a sequential number generated by the system for that location There should be only one container per shipment number, though each container may have multiple FGPOs.
Page 12 Inquiry Results To view the Container details, right-click on a line to bring up the menu Select “Inquiry” You may also search again by entering a value and selecting an option in the bottom half of the screen. Click OK to search
Page 13 Shipment PO line Note that both Shipped and Received quantity for each line are visible Click “Toggle Details” (F5) to view Shipped and Received by size
Page 14 Shipment PO line To view the details for a PO, right-click on a line to bring up the menu Select “Display Shipment Inquiry”
Page 15 PO Detail for Shipment This screen shows all the shipment information (dates, comments) in the top two sections FGPO details are in the bottom two sections (container, style, quantities by size) Click Return to go back