Welcome to Health!
Q: What is Health? A: The overall wellbeing of your body, mind, and relationships with others. Physical Mental and Emotional Social
E motional Health (your feelings) How your react to events in your life Expressing and controlling your emotions
S ocial (relationships) Getting along with others Accepts others Joins clubs and teams Knows how to act (school vs. home)
P hysical (your body) Gets 8 hours of sleep/night Eats healthy Exercises No drugs
M ental (your mind) Attitude Self Esteem Morals and values Goals
Life Expectancy ( How long will you live ) 1900’s years old 78 years old Why has the number gone up? Who usually lives longer? Men or Women? Technology, nutrition, sanitation Women
Top causes of death in 1900 Flu Pneumonia Tuberculosis Bronchitis Scarlet Fever
Top causes of death today? Heart Disease Cancer AIDS Liver Disease Stroke What is the number one cause of death among teenagers? Accidents!
Two types of Age: Chronological Age: How old you are! Physiological Age: How old you look! What effects your physiological age? Sleep Exercise Smoking Drinking
Choices (you don’t have to write this slide down) Everyday you make over 100 choices that affect your health, whether you mean to or not. These choices will either help or harm you!
It is all about your choices: How do you get lung cancer? How do you get liver disease? How do you get AIDS? How do you get heart disease? How do car accidents happen?
Factors that Influence your Health! Can be both + and - Hereditary - traits passed on from family members Environment – air you breathe, water you drink, friends, family Culture –foods you choose to eat, showing of emotions Media/Technology – laziness, warnings on the news, Healthcare medical services available to you, insurance, location, Behavior habits – good and bad ones.