Nebraska CNMP Educational Program Records for NPDES Permit
Sample Records
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-3 Strategic vs. Tactical Records Strategic Records - Completed once for NPDES permit 5-year cycle. –Includes permit –May need occasional review/update –May need to be translated into employee SOPs and employee training Tactical Records –Require regular updates & additions
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-4 Overview (Section A) Plan documentation (NPDES permit application) addressing nine elements of a NMP –Adequate storage –Mortality –Clean water mgmt. –Animal contact with waters of US –Chemical handling –Conservation practices –Testing or manures and soil –Land application methods –Records √
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-5 Animal Management (Section B) Manure Production √ √ √ Inventory or animal populations, mortalities, other:_________________ Daily inspections of water lines (records – large CAFO only)
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-6 Manure Handling & Storage (Section C) Facility documentation (permit) √ √ √ Inspections (all CAFOs) & log of inspections (large CAFOs) –Diversion and collection structures –Storage liquid level (all CAFOs) –Sludge & sediment accumulation –Storage structure (?) –Pumping equipment (?) –Deficiencies & corrections (all CAFOs) Pumping log – Pumping start & stop times, rates, liquid levels, precipitation
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-7 Land Treatment Practices (Section D) Map of application sites with setbacks, restrictions, & conservation practices identified (permit) √ √ Results of P Index assessments (found in Title 130 – not addressed in federal rules) for Large CAFOs only
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-8 Crop Nutrient Management (Section E) Standard operating procedures for soil and manure testing. √
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-9 Standard Operating Procedure
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-10 Crop Nutrient Management (Section E) Standard operating procedures for soil and manure testing. √ √ √ Field Nutrient Balance (fertilizer & manure) –Procedures for estimating application rates –Pre-season plan for N & P application –Post-season summary of crops grown, yields, and N & P applied Equipment operator plan identifying location, rate, form, and method of all nutrients to be applied (?)
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-11 Crop Nutrient Management (Section E) Field specific application record –dates and amounts actually applied –Weather conditions 24 hr before to 24 hr after (Large CAFOs) √ √ √ Manure and soil test results Inspection of application eqpt. (including irrigation systems –Dates (all CAFOs) –Log of inspections (large CAFOs) –Maintenance records (all CAFOs) –Calibration results (?)
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-12 Feed Manure Pre-Season - Nutrient based application plan - Plan for eqpt. operator - Manure & soil samples - Equipment inspections In-Season - Equipment calibration - Record of application rates - Report of discharges Post-Season - Actual yields - Actual manure & nutrients applied Strategic Records - Permit’s documentation - SOP for soil/manure sampling - P Index (every five years) Records Cycle – Crop NMP
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-13 Record Keeping (Section F) Manure spills reports √ √ Annual NPDES report
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-14 Other Utilization Activities (Section G) Alternative Technology documentation (permit) √ √ √ Manure transfers (3 rd party ID, date, amount). Alternative technology inspection, maintenance, and performance ??? – check NPDES permit
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-15 Performance (Section G) Measures of performance –P Index results –Field summaries of nutrient balance –Actual yields –Storage levels –Past manure spills √ Optional measures of performance –Stalk nitrate tests –3 rd party review of risks –Whole farm nutrient balance
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-16 Questions: Modifications to Checklists? What should be done to promote better records?
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-17 Separating Strategic vs Annual Crop Nutrient Plans in NPDES Process (Heartland WQ Project Effort ) Avoid identifying application rates and final application sites in permit –Minimize need to modify permit Provide producer with instructions for adapting rates and application sites Recognize the value (importance) of soil and manure testing
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-18 Strategic Crop Nutrient Plans for NPDES Permit (Heartland WQ Project Proposal ) Crop Nutrient Requirements –Calculations –Assumptions –Producer Instructions Manure & Fertilizer Application Rates –Calculations –Assumptions –N-Based rate considerations –P-Based rates consideration –P Index application –Producer instructions
Nebraska CNMP Educational Program 1-19 Strategic Crop Nutrient Plans for NPDES Permit Sample Annual Plan ( for crop year immediately after NPDES permit submission - one year only) –Manure analysis results –N-Rate calculation results –P-rate calculation results –Most recent P-Index results –Field summary nutrient application plan (rate, method, timing, location)