“Good morning, and welcome to introduction to chemistry.” Not the real Mr. Cooper
Info Class: Chemistry Instructor: Mr. Cooper Office: A112 - I’m pretty much in my classroom before and after school WebPage: lsw.lps.org click on teachers and find my name.
Class Format 1. Daily Quizzes (D.Q.): Each day will start with a quiz over the previous days material. Clear your desk, have out a piece of paper and be ready at the beginning of class. Recommendation: Write out the question and answer and keep a running list of the quizzes on the same sheet of paper. At the end of the term you will have created a review sheet. I will not be giving you a review sheet at the end of the term. Quizzes will not be picked up but your score will be recorded on your self- evaluation sheet.
Class Format 2. Lecture: Lecture notes are posted on the web. You can print them off before class. This allows you to listen and formulate questions and take your own notes rather than just copying down my outline. Printing them ahead of time is not required; but if all of the class has notes ahead of time, we can spend more time on lab work, book work and individual help rather than copying notes.
Class Format 3. Laboratory:. One typed lab report of your choice will be submitted per unit. You choose the lab you want to do the report on. It is suggested that you choose one at the beginning of the unit so that you can get it done ahead of time. It will be due day of test. Leave 5 minutes at the end of each period for clean up. Labs are not expected to be homework. If you work diligently in class, you should get them done. If not, the labs are on-line for you to finish at home. Lab may be replaced by worksheets, group work, a video, or demonstrations
Class Format 4. If there is time left at the end of class you are expected to be working on book problems, which are assigned on a daily basis. See unit outline. This is also time for you to get individual help.
Grading Lab Books and Lab Quizzes: A simple one-subject notebook is recommended. The day before each unit test will be a unit lab quiz. It is open lab book. See ppt notes for specifics on lab book expectations.
Grading Quizzes and tests will be announced in advance. Tests and quizzes will be closed note and closed book. Exception: lab quizzes are open lab book. Your textbook is your first resource; so read it!!! All materials for this course are based off of your text book. Also, calculators will be allowed on tests and quizzes. It is your responsibility to provide a calculator.
Grading Tests and quizzes are m.c., short answer, problem solving, make you think exams; not memorizing exams(although you will need to have some things memorized.)
Grading Test retakes will be offered during plc time and Sat. school in the media center. You must sign up for a retake so I can get it to the media center. It is your responsibility to rearrange your schedule if you wish to take advantage of retesting.
Grading The grading scale is as follows: A= B+= B= C+= C= D+= D= F= Below 60.0
Misc. Any assignments or test missed for truancy results in 60.0% of earned grade. This is district policy. Missed labs need to be done ASAP. Late work is accepted 1 day late for 1/2 credit.
Misc Tardies - Building policy is followed. Cell Phones - If I see it or hear it; I can take it for the rest of the day, turn it into security, or write a referral. iPods - iPods are not to be used during instructional time or lab time. You may use them during individual work time at your desk. I reserve the right to revoke privileges.
Student Expectations Do your job as a student which means: 1. Bring all needed materials to class. ex) books, notebooks, writing utensils, brain, good attitude, etc. 2. Respect each students right to learn and their property. 3. Listen carefully and follow instructions given. 4. READ, STUDY, PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL 5. No food or drink. 6. Use class time to work. 7. ASK QUESTIONS in class or see me after school for help.
Misc. “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.” - Galileo Galilei (astronomer and physicist) Remember, I am working hard for you. I expect that you will work hard for me. I find it offense when at the end of the term you are begging me to round or expecting me to do you some extra credit favor when you didn’t give me your best to begin with. Mr. Cooper