The Speed PhD: Introduction to a Research Degree An Innovative Workshop of The University of Manchester Dr. Jim Boran Researcher Development Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences in association with: Dr. Tony Bromley Dr. Gemma Muckle University of Leeds The University of Manchester Dr. Heather Sears University of Leeds 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Overview The Researcher Development Challenge Background to Speed PhD Concept Workshop Schedule: Talks + Exercise Sample Projects Supervisor Relationships Conference Submission? /Journal Paper? Viva & Graduation Evaluation 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Researcher Development is all about gaining and enhancing skills to successfully complete your research degree and maximise employability in your chosen career path.
The Challenge How to increase awareness of the key skills, milestones, challenges and opportunities of a PhD? Key considerations –Timing [1 st month? / 9 months?] Where in project development? degree of knowledge re: Supervisor? Manchester? –Discipline [good to have a mix?] –Home vs. Overseas? Balance of experience vs. knowledge needed? Degree of interactivity? 6 July 2010 Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University 4
Professional development Assess your skills Reflect and evaluate Development activity Develop personal plan Industry & professional bodies UK Research Councils International market
Skills for Research Postgraduates B. Research EnvironmentC. Research Management A. Research Skills D. Personal Effectiveness F. Networking & Teamworking E. Communication Skills G. Career Management A1. Problem Solving A2. Original Thinking A3. Discipline Knowledge A4. Research Methods A5. Critical Analysis A6. Progress Summaries B1. Research Context B2. Research Ethics B3. Good Research Practice B4. Health & Safety B5. Research Funding B6. Research Justification B7. Research Commercialisation C1. Project Management C2. Information Management C3. Bibliography Skills C4. IT Skills D1. Willingness to Learn D2. Creative Approach D3. Open-Mindedness D4. Self-Assessment Skills D5. Self-Discipline D6. Awareness of Support D7. Self-Reliance E1. Academic Writing E2. Critical Arguments E3. Presentation Skills E4. Promote Public Understanding E5. Teaching Skills F1. Networking F2. Teamworking F3. Feedback Skills G1. Professional Development G2. Career Management G3. Transferable Skills Awareness G4. Promoting Oneself Research Councils UK Skills List
Task vs. Process
6 July 2010 Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University Speed Dating? …time-efficient and structured interaction
Day One TIMEACTIVITYDESCRIPTION 0930Introduction to GPDPpresentation on the skills training programme & ice-breaker introductions 1000Research Overviewpresentation on principles of research, the role of creativity & defining originality 1045Coffee 1100PhD Elementspresentation on defining PhD degree, managing supervisor & maximizing success 1200Introduction to Exercise presentation to describe mock PhD project, scoring system & thesis regulations 1215Group Work Iteams receive project description pack 1230Luncha free lunch is provided 1330Introduction to Library Services overview of Library electronic resources 1345Group Work IIteams go online to locate additional literature for their topic 1500Group Work IIIteams write up day 2 proposal 1545DeadlineSubmit day 2 proposal 1600END OF DAY 1 talk exercise break 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Day Two TIMEACTIVITYDESCRIPTION 0930Research Ethics & Intellectual Property Rights presentation on ethical principles of research & protecting ownership of research results 1030Group Work IVteams carry out research & receive Calls for Conference & Journal Papers 1045Coffee 1100Group Work Vteams complete research & prepare any conference submission 1230Lunchdisplay of conference submissions 1330Personal Development Planning & Guide to Progression Monitoring presentation on the principles and processes of the skills audit and personal development plan; also overview of online progression monitoring system 1415Group Work VIteams finalize journal papers & theses 1500PhD Questionslater stage PhDs answer questions submitted by participants 1530Mock Vivateams answer sample viva questions on their project 1550Graduationscores are tallied & degrees awarded 1600END OF WORKSHOP talk exercise break 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Elements of the Speed PhD Teams of 4 – 6 people on a two-day workshop EXERCISE Each team plays a single fictional research student Each has a supervisor, acted by the workshop facilitator Mirrors the timing & structure of a PhD [15mins = 1 month] Points system reflects good PhD practice –Thesis = 15 points = pass –Additional points for publishing, conferences, etc. TALKS Induction to training and development programme Introduces concepts of needs analysis and personal development planning Learn of support across the institution 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Talks Introduction to Researcher Development PhD Elements 1.Research problem 2.Supervision 3.System/regulations [+ Progression Monitoring] 4.Planning & time 5.Research environment 6.Researcher (YOU!) Library Search Skills Research Ethics Career Preparation for New PhDs Personal Development Planning 6 July 2010 Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University 12
Speed PhD Exercise Objectives Time management and project management within a research project; Working with a supervisor type; Teamwork within a research project; Producing written work to fixed regulations; Managing a range of activities within a research degree; Different research approaches of disciplines; Generic skills common to all disciplines; The psychology of a research degree. 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Sample Speed PhD Projects red lines are straight Optimisation of the Flying-Wing Concept for Commercial Airliners – An Investigation Using a Model System An Energy Efficient, Environmentally Sympathetic Building Design and Construction Process for an Integrated University of Manchester Student Services Facility Fooling the Brain – An Investigation into Visualisation- Considering Why Optical Illusions Work & the Development of New Illusions 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Supervisor Relationships The role of the supervisor is incorporated into the Speed PhD through caricatures of common supervisor styles; mostly based on availability Groups have to ascertain how best to work with the supervisor style they are given Groups gain points for filling in the meeting form Professor Myway – Partly available, but always suggests a different approach Professor Neverhere – Very hard to schedule Dr. Helpful - nearly always available; will come to group & offer help 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Points System Pass = 15 points Good thesis is enough to pass DescriptionPoints Transfer report not submitted on time-3 Record of first meeting with supervisor2 Conference poster2 Conference presentation3 Published Paper9 Submission Notice Form submitted late-3 Poor Viva1 Good Viva2 Excellent Viva5 Unacceptable thesisFail Borderline Thesis10 Good Thesis15 Excellent Thesis20 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Deadline Calendar TimeDeadline Day 1 – 15:45Transfer report submission closes Day 2 – 10:30Call for Conference Papers issued Day 2 – 10:45Call for Special Issue Journal papers issued Day 2 – 11:10 Final submission time for abstract of conference presentation and/or poster Day 2 – 12:00Final submission time for title of journal paper Day 2 – 12:00Final submission time for conference poster Day 2 – 12:00Final submission time for conference presentation Day 2 – 14:00Final submission time - draft journal paper Day 2 – 14:15Deadline for Notice of Submission Form submission Day 2 – 14:30Final submission time - revised journal paper Day 2 – 15:00Deadline for submission of THESIS Day 2 – 15:30VIVA 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Thesis Regulations Text: hand written, legible and written in black ink. Margins: two (2) centimetres from the page edge. Length: a minimum of 8 pages and a maximum of 13 pages. All pages of the thesis (except the Title page) should be numbered. Submit in the project folder by two holes punched in the left hand margin. Any thesis submitted that does not conform to these regulations will not pass. The thesis must be submitted at or before 15:00 on day 2 of the course. Strictly no thesis will be accepted after 15:00. THESIS CONTENTS Thesis Cover Sheet Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion and conclusion References Figures and/or tables. 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Conference In Your Lunchtime Day Two: Teams are given an optional Call for Conference Submissions Title [8 words max] / Abstract [50-80 words] Two options: –Poster [flip chart paper] –Presentation: min. 4 transparencies Deadlines –1110: Submit abstract –1200: Poster / Presentation due –1230: Conference displayed over lunch Time management: focus on thesis? or conferences? 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Call for Journal Papers Day Two: A call for papers from the Journal for Researcher Development is issued Submission is optional: [time management?] Deadlines – 1200: Submit title –1400: Draft due –1430: Final submission time Can publish same topic as Conference submission 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
The Viva After Thesis Submission, each team is asked a generic Viva question [e.g. What is original about your thesis?] Must answer for Speed PhD project Discussion around what examiners are looking for Examples of how to answer weakness questions Review of examiners options for minor corrections, re-examination & requests for additional research Emphasis on You will know more than your examiners…help them understand your research 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Graduation Scores are tallied Discussion of extra value 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Evaluation …I know now what's required in a PhD programme the group work allowed exchange of ideas and opportunity to meet other students… It helps me to make a plan for the future and make my target clearer! This is an eye opener and will assist me greatly in future This gave me an idea of what I will be doing for the next couple of years and how I can manage it in an efficient and planned manner …provided a worthwhile experience in planning and prioritising 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University
Review of Speed PhD GOOD POINTS Able to present a broad overview of what to expect during a research degree Good teamwork practice Meet postgrads from other disciplines Find common problems through shared experience [e.g. working with a supervisor] BAD POINTS Transferability not always understood: I should be working on my own thesis topic Compulsory can lead to unhappy campers Two days can be seen as too long May reduce future engagement? 6 July Enhancing the postgraduate research experience HEA, Edinburgh Napier University