Jake Estle Period 6 2/13/09
Using computer technology to create a simulated, 3-D world that the user can manipulate and explore while feeling he is actually in that world. It is the ability to monitor a persons head and eye movements and simulate that change in position with the images in the 3-D world.
In 1955 Cinematographer Morton Helig creates the first multimedia theater, also at Disneyland they introduce the first Circarama theater. In 1968 Ivan Sutherland creates the first head mounted display system. In 1984, Jaron Lanier founds VPL Research, a virtual reality product manufacturer.
Mark Billinghurst has created an assistant for the medical world. At the IGD University in Germany they have combined Virtual Reality and Light Engineering. IGD has also come up with weather services or the Tri-Vis. Real-Mol is a program that helps out with chemistry.
Most VR sets are run by normal home PCs. Usually with an advanced vid card. Many systems use HMDs, which contain two monitors. Most are LCD (liquid crystal display) Another System is called CAVE, which displays the images on the wall, floor and ceiling. Users usually wear glasses to complete the visual images.
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There are many videogames that include virtual reality. Some online games are like an extension of you and allow you to interact with people, places and things. Games online can actually be like hanging out with your friends because it creates a 3-D image of your friends and lets you interact with them as if he or she was right next to you.
m/gadgets/other-gadgets/virtual- reality4.htm