Differentiated Instruction Helping Teachers with Assessment, Evaluation & Reporting
Setting the Stage for Learning Before Learning Activity Each table has been given a specific task related to assessment. Instruction sheets have been provided for each activity. You are allowed to work with your table partners or you may work alone. This will be a timed activity.
Activities Brainstorming A – Z Anticipation Guide Interview Personal Survey Four Corners KWLS Human Graphing
Definitions and Purposes A Quick Review Definitions and Purposes
Defining Terms Assessment Evaluation Reporting Involves gathering data It is NOT a synonym for test Evaluation Judging the data Reporting Communicating the data Often done through report cards and conferences
Types of Assessment Pre-assessment (diagnostic) Formative (on-going) “Finding out” Formative (on-going) Assessment for Learning “Keeping track” Summative (final or end) Assessment of Learning “Making sure”
Planning for Assessment
Cleaning the Kitchen The task/activity … The problem … The solution …
7.1 Phys Ed Example Outcome: Willingly engage in a variety of movement activities at a moderate to vigorous level of effort in a progression towards twelve consecutive minutes on a consistent basis.
How to Make Effective Assessments Pre-planning is crucial! Build in the assessment while planning lessons and units To Think About: How can resource teachers support classroom teachers in this area? When can you meet to plan for differentiation?
Planning for Assessment Step 1 – Identify the Outcome Step 2 – Focus on the Assessment Step 3 – Identify Prior Knowledge
Step One: Identify the Outcome Taken directly from the curriculum Outcomes What students are expected to know and be able to do. Clearly communicate the outcome to the students
Example of a Math 2 Outcome N2.1 Demonstrate understanding of whole numbers to 100 (concretely, pictorially, physically, orally, in writing, and symbolically) by: - representing (including place value) - describing - skip counting - differentiating between odd and even numbers - estimating - comparing two numbers - ordering three or more numbers In this outcome, what specific area am I going to teach? Narrow it down. Then, how can I assess if the student has mastered this skill?
Step Two: Focus on the Assessment What will the purpose of the assessment be? What data or information are you hoping to collect? What evidence do you need? What is the best way to collect that information?
Math 2 Outcome Example Demonstrate understanding of whole numbers to 100 Concretely Pictorially Physically Orally In writing Symbolically What will the purpose of the assessment be? demonstrate pictorially at end of the unit What evidence do you need? All numbers from 1 – 100 All in order from 1 – 100 What is the best way to collect that information? Is there more than one way I could collect this information?
Step Three: Identify Prior Knowledge The purpose of this step is to determine readiness for any outcome. What skills and knowledge must the students have before learning this outcome? Teachers should not assume that all students have the background knowledge but instead, should assess to determine readiness. A pre-assessment could be done to discover students’ prior knowledge.
Math 2 Outcome Example Demonstrate understanding of whole numbers to 100 Concretely Pictorially Physically Orally In writing Symbolically What skills and knowledge must the students have before learning this outcome? Must be able to write all numbers Must understand what is meant by order
Pre-Assessment “Finding Out”
Pre-Assessment – What and Why Pre-assessment can be diagnostic or “discovery” assessment Why? To help determine: content, skills and strategies you need to teach misconceptions about a topic or about themselves as learners how to group students for instruction the kinds of activities that will support different students
When Do We Pre-Assess? At the beginning of … the school year (interests, readiness, learning preferences) a unit of study (readiness, knowledge base) a new topic (readiness, knowledge) a lesson (readiness, skills, knowledge)
Pre-Assessing 1 -- Learning Styles 2 -- Interests Multiple Intelligence Tests Learning Preferences 2 -- Interests Interest inventories Questionnaires Surveys
Pre-Assessing 3 -- Readiness Readiness is not ability! Does the student have the background knowledge and skills needed to be successful in learning the outcome? Readiness is not ability!
How to Pre-Assess Daily Journals Before Activities After Activities Daily Math, Daily Language, Science Starters … Before Activities Anticipation Guides, Brainstorming … After Activities Exit Slips …
Other Pre-Assessment Ideas KWLS Brainstorming Anticipation Guide Questioning Pre-tests Self-Evaluation Checklists Observations Pre-assessment = Discovery What do you want to know about the student?
How Can I Support Teachers in Pre-Assessment? Work together to plan pre-assessment for a unit of study Co-teach in the classroom Idea! Try rotating groups that you work with to avoid the stigma that struggling students experience.
Formative Assessment “Keeping Track”
Formative Assessment What? Assessment for Learning Why? The purpose is to “drive instruction” What areas did the student understand? What areas still need work? What areas do I still need to work on as a teacher? When? On-going, daily How? Formal or informal assessment Who? By teacher, by peers or by self
Feedback Feedback can take two forms: marks or comments Learning how to give proper feedback is crucial! Food for thought: If this is still part of the learning/practicing stage, is a mark a valid form of feedback? When is a comment more valuable for student learning?
Feedback Ideas 2 stars and a wish Marks on the board, not on the sheet Checklist of comments Highlight rubric Adopt the role of coach, NOT the role of corrector, editor, judge Don’t correct! Don’t justify! Guide!
Formative Assessment Ideas Exit slips Exit sticky notes Rubrics Signal Cards Fist to Five Questions Conferencing Journal entries Portfolio entries Unit reviews Homework assignments Student opinions
Exit Slips Exit slips are written student responses to questions you pose at the end of class Ask an open ended question or a specific question
How Can I Support Teachers in Formative Assessment? Work together to develop a plan to support the learners who are struggling with readiness e.g. some students work in a group with support rather than individually Work together to build in extra supports within the lesson Provide additional oral instructions Structure the page for the student (numbered boxes, sticky notes, etc.) Develop communication format to notify the teacher when a student is experiencing difficulty with a topic/skill
Summative Assessment “Making Sure”
Summative Assessment An assessment at the end of the learning activity Usually for a “grade” or report card mark
Forms of Summative Assessment Written Oral/Spoken Performance Tasks What is the best way for a student to show his or her understanding of the outcome? “Fair isn’t always equal.” Rick Wormeli
Summative Assessment Ideas Tests Performance tasks Oral test Conversations or interviews Product or exhibit Demonstration Portfolios What is the best way for a student to show his or her understanding of the outcome?
Differentiating for Learning Styles: Summative Product Ideas Auditory Visual Tactile-Kinesthetic classifying/graphing brochure activity plan puzzles collage composing music math journal design demonstration essay diagram exhibit finding patterns drawing game or game show riddle flow chart "how-to" book oral report graphic organizer manipulatives game multi-media project mobile survey illustrated manual model teaching a lesson map rhythm or rhyme written report picture dictionary scale drawing
How Can I Support Teachers in Summative Assessment? Work together to plan the summative assessment for a unit of study Develop a different system of recording Work together to develop an alternative summative assessment Work together to plan assessment rubrics Provide on-going support for learners who have not mastered the outcome e.g. Tying My Shoes
Ways of Recording Outcome Ex – Adding Fractions with Like Denominators Date Pre- Assessment Formative Practice 1 Practice 2, 3, 4, etc. Assessment Task Sept. 12 Sept. 18 Sept. 22 Sept. 27 Sept. 29 2nd attempt ??
Rubric Resources Shrock, Kathleen. (1995 - 2003) http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/assess.html Teach-nology: Rubrics Generator [April, 2003] WWW4Teachers. (2003) Rubistar - PBL Rubric Creation Tool [April, 2003]
Closure or Follow Up from the Pre-assessment Activity Action Plan Brainstorming A – Z, Anticipation Guide, Interview, Personal Survey, Four Corners, KWLS, Human Graphing Action Plan What now? or
"If students can't learn the way we teach, we must teach the way they learn." Tomlinson