Inspection briefing Further Education & Work-based Learning
Session programme: Introduction & inspection updatesWhat happens before inspection What happens during inspectionWhat happens after inspection
Purpose of inspection: Commissioned by DEL Builds on scrutiny inspection Identifies effective practice & key areas for development Informs quality improvement planning Promote improvement in the interest of all learners
Scope of inspections: FE Whole-college Annual scrutiny insp. Surveys Revised model in development TfS/ANI 3 year cycle Annual scrutiny insp. Updated model from September 2015 ESF SER/QIP visits completed Inspections to commence in 2015/16 Separate event, October 2015
Revised performance levels CurrentPrevious Outstanding Very Good Good Important area(s) for improvement Satisfactory Requires significant improvement Inadequate Requires urgent improvement Unsatisfactory Used to report on the quality of: Achievement and standards Provision Leadership and management Professional and technical areas
One of four inspection outcomes for overall effectiveness Inspection reporting The organisation has a high level of capacity for sustained improvement in the interest of all the learners. The ETI will monitor the organisation’s progress in addressing any area(s) for improvement through its annual scrutiny inspection. Previously Outstanding or Very Good
One of four inspection outcomes for overall effectiveness Inspection reporting The organisation demonstrates the capacity to identify and bring about improvement in the interest of all the learners. The ETI will monitor the organisation’s progress in addressing the area(s) for improvement through its annual scrutiny inspection. Previously good
One of four inspection outcomes for overall effectiveness The organisation needs to address (an) important area(s) for improvement in the interest of all the learners. The ETI will monitor and report on the organisation’s progress in addressing the area(s) for improvement, which includes the need to produce an improvement plan, which will be the basis for a formal follow-up inspection within months. Previously satisfactory
One of four inspection outcomes for overall effectiveness Inspection reporting The organisation needs to address urgently the significant areas for improvement identified in the interest of all the learners. The ETI will monitor and report on the organisation’s progress in addressing the areas for improvement, which includes the need to produce an improvement plan, which will be the basis for a formal follow-up inspection within months. Previously inadequate or unsatisfactory
What happens before inspection? Letter of notification, 2 weeks prior to inspection Immediately, the reporting inspector will contact the organisation via phone call – direct them to ETI website Within a few days, RI will conduct a briefing, information re: learner questionnaire, data, and other inspection requirements Immediately prior to inspection, organisation to data and other inspection material to the ETI (RI)
NB: Updated annually
NB: Pilot feedback welcome
What happens during inspection? Inspection teamInspection activitiesInspection reporting
ETI: Reporting and deputy reporting inspector Specialist inspectors for P&T areas > 10 learners Essential skills inspector(s) Care support and guidance inspector Associate assessors, if required Organisation: BoG/M’c representatives Senior management Tutors, learners & employers Organisation’s representative DEL Representative attends report back Inspection Team
Day 1 to day 3 Presentation by senior management Observation of sessions (P&T, ES + other) Joint session observation (org. rep. + ETI) Scrutinise learners’ work/files/PTPs Meetings with key personnel Review of care, support and guidance Visit workplace training, meet employers Focus groups with learners Daily report backs to representative Day 4 and 5 Moderation meeting, representative present Report backs, DEL representative present
Representative attends all meetings including the moderation meeting during the inspection Spoken report back of main findings for each P&T area and for the organisation overall One of six performance levels used for each of the three key questions – S&O, QofP and L&M, and also for each P&T area inspected One of the four conclusions used for overall effectiveness Written SOKF and overall conclusion left with the organisation [provisional]
Inspection outcomes What happens after inspection &
Organisation (and DEL) receive a pre-publication copy of the report for factual accuracy check The RI considers any factual errors identified, and if necessary, discuss these with the organisation, making any required adjustments to the report prior to publication Report publishes on the ETI website, normally within 30 days of spoken report back
If safeguarding is evaluated as unsatisfactory Safeguarding areas for improvement followed-up by the ETI within 6 working weeks Short letter publishes on the ETI website
Inspection outcomes and what happens after inspection Overall effectiveness outcome Performance levels– P&TFollow-up process In all of the P&T areas, the performance levels are either outstanding, very good or good Annual scrutiny inspection. In one P&T area, there are important areas for improvement Follow-up inspection process integrated (if possible) with annual scrutiny inspection, only for P&T area. The organisation has a high level of capacity for sustained improvement in the interest of all the learners The organisation demonstrates the capacity to identify and bring about improvement in the interests of all the learners In all of the P&T areas, the performance levels are either outstanding, very good or good Annual scrutiny inspection.
Inspection outcomes and what happens after inspection Overall effectiveness outcome Inspection Outcomes – P&TFollow-up process Annual scrutiny inspection integrated (if possible). with follow- up inspection process. The organisation needs to address urgently the significant areas for improvement identified in the interests of all the learners. The organisation needs to address (an) important area(s) for improvement in the interest of all the learners. Please note, any P&T area(s) with performance levels less than good will also be included in the whole-organisation follow-up process