Walsall Childrens Trust Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy
Child Poverty 1.Why have a strategy to reduce child poverty? 2.The Strategy 3.The Action Plan 4.What it will look like 5.Effectiveness – Evidence-based monitoring and evaluation
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy Why have a strategy to reduce child poverty? Nearly 1/3 of children live in poverty (around 16,000) Poorer health Lower attainment etc A Moral and economic imperative Council Pledge Cycle of deprivation Cost of services Government Target
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy Three facets:- 1.Mitigate against the effects of Child Poverty 2.Reduce parental worklessness 3.Raise Aspirations
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy 1.Mitigate the effects of Child Poverty Impact now Improve health and well-being Increasing tax credits and benefits Build seamless family support system
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy 2. Reduce parental worklessness Impact now Support parents into decent, sustainable jobs Recruitment targets City Strategy and Neighbourhood Skills Project Childcare and positive activity guarantee for 0-19 yr olds
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy 3. Raise Aspirations Longer term impact Schools as drivers to narrow the gap in achievement
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy Action Plan Child Poverty reduction as an explicit service outcome Aligned and co-ordinated outcomes- based services Children’s Fund dedicated to Child Poverty strategy Commissioned services Focus on areas of greatest need Parents\Communities as experts
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy Evidence-based monitoring and evaluation Outcome measures in specification
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy
What’s next Working with 2 localities (tba) Priority for Childrens fund for next 2 years Tender in November 2008 £1.8 million bid to government at stage 2 Coordinated approach across the borough
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy 1.Mitigate against the effects of Child Poverty 2.Reduce parental worklessness 3.Raise Aspirations What lessons can be learned from practice elsewhere?
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy What are your observations about our collaborative approach to service delivery?
Walsall Child Poverty Impact Reduction Strategy What are your perceptions about the effectiveness of locality focussing?