World Issues September 16 and 17 AGENDA: WORLD NEWS ARTICLE CLASS DISCUSSION WORK ON TRAVEL UNIT Goal: to consider a world issue from a different point of view. To practice creating a budget and itinerary for an international trip.
Announcements College Application Workshop in Portable K from 3:20-4pm on Tuesdays. Begins this Tuesday, 9/15 Students who want to have an internship in the spring, must apply by October 15 at Once you apply, you will receive an that connects you to an independent study course to prepare you for your internship. You will receive a half- credit for this class. Back to School Night, next Tuesday, Sept. 22, 6-7:30pm Please be on time to periods 3 and 7. This means get on the bus at the Pagoda by 11:55.
Homework Work on Travel Unit. Due September 23/24 or September 28/29. Work on World News Article Report for next Monday or Tuesday. Purchase I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb. Be sure to purchase the correct version of this book. There is a young readers edition. That is not the one for you. Malala YousafzaiChristina Lamb You need this book by September 28 or 29 (two weeks from now, so order it today!) Check out,, Half-Price Books, or your local bookstore.
World News Article Go to my World Issues SWIFT site. Click on Links and open the article “A Hunting Ban Saps a Village’s Livelihood.” Read this article. Write a level two or three question and also write an answer for it. Turn this in for formative credit.
Class Discussion
Rubric for World News Article Report For your summative report I will send around a sign-up sheet. Please sign up for the date you would like to present an article to the class.
Work on Travel Unit