Respect for Self Respect for Classmates Respect for Teacher Respect for Equipment
Try your best Believe in yourself Be positive Celebrate progress
Be friendly Listen when others have the floor Share Keep hands, feet, body, objects to self Ask before touching/borrowing someone else’s stuff
Listen, be quiet when teacher is talking Follow directions Let the teacher know if you have questions, concerns.
Use equipment as directed Touch equipment only when directed Take good care of equipment If you make a mess, clean it up.
Bring all needed supplies to class every day we have class. Practice at least 140 minutes per week. Take good care of the instruments. Only play instrument when directed to do so. Be quiet while others are playing/performing.
60% = Performance Assessments Objective “pass-offs” assigned in advance Concert participation 30% = Daily Grade Includes all work completed during class such as warm- ups, formative assessments, and any other in-class activity that is not a “performance assessment.” 10% = Homework Includes any work completed outside of class, including practice reports.
Goal: what do you want to accomplish? Pick something(s) you can’t do now, but are capable of doing by the end of the day. Fill this out immediately before you practice that day. Time: how long did you practice? Fill this out immediately after you practice that day. Strategies: how did you accomplish your goals? What did you do in your practice sessions? Refer to the “Practice Strategies” on the back of the report. Fill this out while you are practicing that day. Y/N: Goal Accomplished? If you accomplished your goal, put Y. If not, put N. Fill this out immediately after you practice. Total Minutes Practiced Parent Signature
10 pts = Goals 70 pts = Log 0-19 = 0 points = 10 points = 20 points = 30 points = 40 points = 50 points = 60 points = 70 points (20 min/day, 7 days a week) = 80 points (30 min/day) 420+ = 120 points (60 min/day) 10 pts = Strategies 10 pts = Goal Accomplished Practice report will not be accepted without a parent/guardian signature. Late Penalty = 10 points (1 day). 30 points (rest of week). Practice reports will not be accepted more than 1 week late. The purpose of this practice sheet is to provide me with a record of your practice routine and to help you practice smarter. The Quality (how) of practice is more important than the quantity (how much).