Room 17 Classroom Procedures What we do and How we do it!
Welcome to Reading and Lit! Activity: Close your eyes and think about all the things you do in a classroom. How did you enter the class today? What have you done so far? Was it right? Was it wrong? Share your thoughts.
Procedures are in place for your SAFETY Your safety and happiness is the most important thing to me! I want you to feel like you can come here to learn, share, and grow as young adults. I am here to help you through this process
Before we start our day… 1)When you enter the classroom each day, you must come in quietly and find your ASSIGNED seats. 2)Sharpen 2 pencils; if you need to borrow one, you do not need to ask. Please return it at the end of class. 3)Next, you need to immediately copy the homework from the board and read our daily agenda. I will initial your assignment notebooks.
Before we start our day… EVERY DAY you will need…. 1.Your binder 2.2 pencils 3.Your assignment notebook – treat this like GOLD and do not lose it! 4.Your reading book
Using the Bathroom and Leaving Class If you have to use the bathroom, you should go at the VERY beginning of class and let me know OR wait until we are doing an independent activity – not during silent reading and not when I am teaching You can signal to me you need to leave by raising your hand with 2 fingers up If you need to go to the nurse, raise your hand with 1 finger up You must have a hanging pass (by the door) with you before you leave
Using the Bathroom and Leaving Class If you do need to leave, you will have to use your HAWK pass. Your HAWK pass allows you to leave the classroom up to 6 times per marking period but NO MORE. After each use, your pass will need to be hole- punched Any unused punches will be counted as extra credit points for your report card USE YOUR PASS VERY WISELY!! There are no replacements if you lose it.
What if I am late to class? If you are late, you will need a pass to class from where you are coming from. Come into the classroom and either hand it to me or place it on the desks at the front of the room
Sharpening pencils You must sharpen your pencils at the beginning of class Bring extra pencils in case your lead breaks You may sharpen your pencils during times when we are not reading and I am not in front of the room teaching
When you need supplies If we are doing projects, I will provide the necessary materials unless I have told you in advance ask Please ask before using any materials in the back pink and teal bins If you need a pencil, just borrow it. This is the only thing you do not need to ask my permission for.
When you finish an activity early If we are doing an activity and you notice you finished it before everyone, please read silently at your desk, or you may work on an assignment due at a later date (like your vocabulary packet)
When you forget your binder and supplies If you forget your supplies and they are in your locker, you may use your HAWK pass to go get them. If you left them at home, you are expected to take your papers from today’s class and put them in the right section when you get home!
What do I do if I lost my sheet? If you lost your notes or homework, I will replace it ONCE during the quarter If you forget it more than once, you will use the personal reading time to copy it BY HAND on a looseleaf piece of paper
Leaving Class I will dismiss you – NOT the bell When you leave, you must push in your chairs and leave quietly DO NOT LINE UP AT THE DOOR.
My Pet Peeves Number One Pet Peeve: Please do not take things off my desk or use supplies without asking – my things are my things and your things are your things When it is reading time, read. I know when you are “pretending” to read. Do not pick a new book every day to read. It is your responsibility to come each day with ALL your materials Meter sticks are not weapons or light sabers HONESTY IS ALWAYS THE BEST POLICY
A typical day looks like…. For the first period together: First 3 minutes of class – copying homework, sharpening pencils, getting materials out Next minutes – either silent reading or small groups with me Last 20 minutes – a grammar lesson For the next period: First 20 minutes - A reading skill lesson Last 25 minutes -Reading a short story or working on an activity/project
Class Rewards I believe in rewarding my classes for their hard work! You can earn….. Game days on Fridays Treats baked by me! Movie days Extra reading time Marking period parties when everyone earns an A or B (food, movies, and music)
Individual Rewards I believe in rewarding my students for their hard work! You can earn….. A Dr. Suess card with a scratch-off reward Rewards can be extra credit points, homework penalty pass if you forget it one day, treats Lunch on me for you and a friend A book Extra reading time
Why my classes are the BEST classes I have the BEST students We become a family – my students text each other to remind each other to bring in supplies and homework We have fun! You may bring your phones to listen to music when you do independent work - not when I’m teaching
Let’s have a fun and safe school year!!