Welcome Back to school Mrs. Lontos
Power Point Handout Will be uploaded to the website
My website go to teachers select Kira Lontos
Remind.com for class updates via text message
Volunteers I need volunteers to help work with students during workstations, morning math, math time, painting, imagination play, cutting out school items, and at home projects. It makes a big difference with your help! I need times to be consistent too! Thank you!
Positive Discipline “Our Name Cards”- Our class rules: helping hands, listening ears, eyes looking, quiet voices, walking feet.
Curriculum *Report Card-a copy of the report card is attached. *Reading/Language Arts- Little Treasures and Treasures, Lexia, and Learning Dynamics: a CD and letter explaining our new reading program. *Writing- Little Treasures and Treasures and Nancy Fetzer’s program. *Math- Every Day Math, Math Their Way, and Dreambox. *Handwriting- Handwriting Without Tears *Social Studies- Little Treasures and Treasures *Science- Little Treasures and Treasures
Homework Sheet Homework will begin in September. Reading Sheet- Each month your child will come home with a Nightly Reading Sheet (beginning in October). Return at the end of the month for a Reading Award. October thru March students will also receive a Book-It coupon from Pizza Hut.
Please write your child’s name on everything... lunch box, water bottles, jackets, rest towels, and backpacks
Conferences We signed up for ______________ at ____________am/pm Please to
After school pickup We are trying a new routine, so please be patient.
Daily folders and Work Envelopes Your child is coming home with their red Daily Folder. On one side will be the Home to School Communication note and the other side will have school information that needs to be sent home. Work Envelopes will come home on Wednesdays.
Snacks Snack time is 9:20-9:30. Please pack a small nutritious snack.
School lunch Lunch is at 10:50-11:30 This includes afternoon recess. Please write your child’s name on the lunch box or bag. Please have snack and lunch in different bags. Thank you!
Library TK- Our Library day is Tuesday from 10:00-10:30 (story time). K- Our Library day is Thursday from10:00-10:30.
P.E. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:35- 9:10 Please have your child wear appropriate shoes!
Student of the Week Beginning in September, every Monday a student will be selected. Your child will come home with a paper explaining the procedure (poster to fill out).
School Newsletter Sign up to receive it online!
7 Habits of Highly Effective People Our Leadership program.
We’ll keep trying our best. Class Mission Statement