Background Notes Russian Revolution
Revolution The over throw of one form of government and the replacement with another form of government.
The Four Stages Of Revolution Step One: The Revolution Step Two: Period of Euphoria and Commitment Step Three: Tightening of Authority & sacrifices to meet goals Step Four: Control gained by new elite
Timeline 1613 – Michael Romanov becomes first Romanov tsar 1861 – Czar Alexander II signs the emancipation decree freeing the Russian serfs 1894 – Czar Nicholas II came to the throne 1903 – Bolshevik Party formed
Karl Marx German thinker & writer Ideas helped form the Communist Manifesto Das Kapital Outlined a new social order in which all natural goods and produce would be owned by the government in the name of the people
The Last Russian Czar A Czar is like a king The Czar and his family were murdered. Remains have been found that prove the whole family perished
Rasputin Siberian monk. Led a drunken lifestyle which Alexandra refused to believe because he helped her son Alexi heir to the throne because of his illness of hemophilia Czar’s relatives attempted to poison him, then shot him 4 times, and finally drowned him. Rasputin was murdered
Revolution Nicholas II was not as competent a Romanoff He responded to the needs of people when it was too late He would give freedom and then take away. Alexandra was German and hated by the people because of the horror of WWI Bolshevik political party took power after the Czar was over thrown
Lenin Name Ulyanov (changed to avoid arrest). Returned to Russia after the 1917 revolution. The Bolshevik party accepted Lenin and his ideas of communism & one party rule. He maintained peace amongst the political factions
Timeline 1905 – Angry peasants first protest in St. Petersburg Square; Russia’s first parliament, the duma, convenes 1914 – Outbreak of World War I 1916 – Nobles kill Rasputin; Czar loses loyalty of people 1917 – February Revolution: Czar Nicolas II forced to abdicate throne; Lenin and Bolsheviks take control of government
Leon Trotsky Son of a Jewish Farmer who was an early follower of Marxism Worked with Lenin Took part in the October Revolution Opposed Stalin Eventually arrested and murdered in 1940
Timeline 1918 – Civil War breaks out between White and Red Army; Bolshevik Party renamed Communist Party 1921 – Red Army defeats White army; Bolsheviks in control of the government 1922 – Russia renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Lenin dies and Stalin takes over the government
Joseph Stalin Stalin means steel Absolute ruler He helped turn Russia into an industrial nation, helped defeat the Nazis, established communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe. Institutionalized terror.
Teheran Conference, Iran, 1943 “The Big Three”: –Russia: Stalin –USA: FDR –Britain: Winston Churchill Meeting of Allied leaders to consolidate support against Germany during WWII
USSR/Soviet Flag The hammer = symbol of the proletariat and the sickle = the peasants. The gold star = unity and contained five points (one for each class in communist society - workers, peasants, intellectuals, youths and soldiers). The red background = revolution and was emulated around the world by most communist countries.
Despair Can Lead to Conflict Oppression of the working class Suppression of the human spirit Loss of personal freedoms Conflicts Leads to overthrow Steps to Conflict The following are the 3 steps to conflict and the specifics of the Russian Revolution:
Leads to overthrow Loss of Hope -Workers work to over throw the wealthy Poor Economy - Oppression –- Totalitarianism Autocracy: unrestricted rule by one Monarchy-Rule by one, royal class Purges Elitism Communism Socialism Despair Can Lead to Conflict Oppression of the working class Suppression of the human spirit Loss of personal freedoms Conflicts Propaganda
Leads to overthrow Loss of Hope- Workers work to over throw the wealthy Poor Economy - Oppression – Socialism –Communism- Totalitarianism Capitalism Autocracy: unrestricted rule by one Monarchy-Rule by one, royal class Purges Elitism Nicholas II & Alexandra Romanov--Hemophilia Bolsheviks Comrades cheka Communal Property Secret meetings Das Kapital Hunger and War Bread & Peace Rasputin Fanatic Duma The October Revolution Lenin, Trotsky, Karl Marx, Stalin Oligarchy, rule by few General Hopelessness Propaganda Bloody Sunday Russian Revolution Despair Can Lead to Conflict Oppression of the working class Suppression of the human spirit Loss of personal freedoms Conflicts
George Orwell
George Orwell Born Eric Blair 1903, Bengal India Father custom official in India Returned to England for education
George Orwell Scholarship to Eton Teacher was Aldus Huxley, author of “A Brave New World” Police official in Burma, where he learned to dislike imperialism
George Orwell Experiences led to his fascination with “man’s dominion over man” Dressed in old clothes and mixed with tramps and beggars to gather information for his writings.
George Orwell After writing many articles, his first book Down and Out in Paris and London was published in 1933, a strong statement on social injustice 1933 he changes his name to George Orwell. George because it is so English and Orwell was a river near his home.
Socialism Married Eileen O’Shaugnessy Worked as a Teacher and tutor Took his wife to Spain to fight in the Spanish Civil War Returned to England and wrote of his experiences
Writes Fiction & Non Fictions His novel, Coming Up For Air in 1939 foreshadowed the bombing of London during WWII Orwell wrote Animal Farm between 1943 and 1944, wide acclaim for his insights on human nature, socialism and communism. Animal Farm explores what power can do to individuals
Life of Tragedy Tragically lost his wife during a minor surgery Cared for their adopted son until his death Fell in poor health
Final Years Married Sonia Brownell, his editorial assistant. Died January 23, 1950 of tubercular hemorrhage Age 46
Last Novel 1984 was Orwell’s Last Novel. The fascinating novel, paints a bleak future for humans if we are not careful to guard our freedoms. Curiously some of his predictions for society have proven true.
George Orwell George Orwell strongly believed that communism was dangerous Concerned with man’s power over others Believed in socialism and social justice Orwell’s works were political and science fiction. Animal Farm as well as 1984 are considered science fiction
Animal Farm Settings Historical Setting: Russia Literary Setting: England Historical Dates: