The options Created by: Magdolenová Jana Ondrovičová Matilda
Content: History Option Option contracts Option strategies
History 1773 – Barnard´s law – option contracts are out of law 1860 – deletion of this law 1973 – the boom of option contracts, the creation of Chicago Board Exchange 1975 – the creation of America Stock Exchange and Philadelphia and next year also the boom of option contracts in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver 1977 – the deletion of previous restrictions 1978 – the first option contracts and Amsterdam market 1981 – the creation of option contracts and obligation in Amsterdam market 1982 – the creation of option contracts and obligation in Montreal and London, the beginning of trading with option for a foreign currency 90 years – the beginning of trading with option and derivatives
What is the option?
Option terminology Call option Put option Option premium
Option contract - is a written agreement creating the rights and obligations for both sides. One side there is a seller who wants to buy the instruments. On the other side is a buyer who wants to realize an inverse operation, it means, sell these instruments. They negotiate the price, the value of delivery and time of filling.
European option American option Exotic option Types of option contracts
Option strategy 1.Option strategy with a same type of options bull spread bear spread butterfly spread condor spread ratio spread ratio back spread calendar spread diagonal spread
Option strategy 2. Option strategy based on the combination of both types of options straddle strangle strap strip
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