Distributed Multimedia Programming Week - 1
Document Window The Document Window is divided in to six main components Timeline – The Timeline is where you control the static and moving elements in the project / movie. Stage – The Stage is where your drawings and animation of images and text will appear. Work area – The light gray area around the stage is known as work area Edit Bar – The Edit Bar displays your current location in the project as well allowing you to edit the symbol instances. Toolbar – The Toolbar contains the tools which are necessary to draw and edit the art work. Panels – The Panels will allow you to modify your project more precisely.
The Timeline Timeline – The Timeline is where you control the static and moving elements in the project / movie, using frame and layers. Playhead – The Playhead indicate the frame number which is displaying on the stage. Layer controls – Layer controls will let you to, add or delete layers including organizing, locking and hiding. Status bar – The Status bar will guide about the current frame, fps, and the total elapsed time. Frame view – Allows you to organize your Timeline appearance.
The Layer Controls Insert Layer Add Motion Guide Insert Layer Folder Delete Layer Hide / Lock/ Outline Layers Insert Layer – Each time clicking on this will add a new layer on top of the currently selected. Add Motion Guide – A guide layer allows you animate by following a designated path that you wish. Insert Layer Folder – This option will helps you to organize the layers. Delete Layer – If you want to delete a layer just click on this. Frame view – Allows you to organize your Timeline appearance.
The Edit Bar Current Scene – Displays the scene currently opened on the stage. Edit Scene Menu – Displays all the scenes are available in your project. Edit Symbol Menu – Displays the symbols which are available in you project. Zoom Box – Zoom Box is an useful drop down menu that allows you quickly zoom in to the required level.
The Tool Bar Note: Refer the page no: 23 from the text book for the detailed view of tools
The Panels Are windows that contain tools and information to help you work in your project file more efficiently By using the options within the panels, you can change settings such as Colors Colors Type Type Size Size Rotation and many more. Rotation and many more.
Creating and Saving Panel Sets You can organize your panels in any way you want. Choose Window Save Panel Layout Enter the name you want and click OK.
Switching to another Panel Choose Window Panel Sets Then select the name of the layout you want to display Here your panels will be rearranged into the specific arrangement To return to the default position Window Panel Sets Default Layout Window Panel Sets Default Layout
Shortcut Keys Look at page 39 for a table describing Panel Keyboard Shortcuts in Flash MX 2004