Introduction to Canada “BEFORE HISTORY CLASS STARTS” CHC2D8 Ms. Gluskin
Map of Canada in 1905 Canadian Geographic, Historical Maps of Canada: 1905, 2014, (Jan. 27, 2014)
Map of Canada What differences do you notice from the 1905 map?
Canada’s Population in 1914
Canada’s Population Today – how is it different? 35,295, million foreign-born = 20.6% of the population 62.5% of recent immigrants live in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver Statistics Canada, Home Page, 2014, (Jan. 27, 2014); Statistics Canada, 2011 National Household Survey: Immigration, place of birth…, May 8, 2013, quotidien/130508/dq130508b-eng.htm (Jan. 27, 2014). quotidien/130508/dq130508b-eng.htm
Canada’s Immigrants Today What differences do you notice from the 1905 population?
Where Canadians Lived How did our population change over time?
PERSIAT = a way to study a country by looking at different categories Political Economic Religious Social (cultural) Intellectual Artistic Technological
Which letter of PERSIAT?
Which letter of PERSIAT Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Annual Report on the Operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, , Feb. 9, 2012, (Feb. 2, 2013). Anne Kingston, Is 30% representation the new gender-equality dream? Maclean’s, April 6, 2011, (Feb. 2, 2013).
What Does Canada Look Like? Tcc Tcc – Over Canada video