Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | | | MCM:Directory | MVP:Security | MCSE:Windows2012 | MCSE:SharePoint | MCT | Certified Ethical Hacker | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure GOPAS vás to naučí
Agenda Why? What? How?
Why do you need it? You don't want to support the India office in person The BFUs are always destroying their computers Every mad manager must have the newest Android-what?
What do you need? Windows Server 2012/R2 – and potentially Windows 8/8.1 Remote Desktop Services
What do you need? Hyper-V based virtual desktop machines – every user gets her own VM – based on Windows 8/8.1 – based on a limited number of base images – absolute isolation vs. higher resource demands RD session host based terminal server farm – users connect to RemoteApps on limited number of RD servers – limited isolation vs. lower resource requirements
How do they connect? Thin clients Web based portal RDP client – Windows, or any other dead mobile platform such as Android, Apple
VM-based desktop deployment
The picture Hyper-V Host1 Hyper-V Host2 Helena Jitka Kamil Jan Frantisek Marie Thin client RD Connection Broker RD Web 1 2 3
VM based desktop deployment
SYSPREP and shut down first
VM based desktop deployment
Session-based desktop deployment
The picture RD Session Host 1 RD Session Host 2 Helena Word Thin client RD Connection Broker RD Web Jitka Word Jitka Excel Jan Paintshop Kamil Word Tomas Autocad
Session based desktop deployment
Is that all folks?
… not yet … Nezabudnite nás ohodnotiť, odovzdajte vyplnený dotazník v Infopointe a vyhrajte v žrebovaní dotazníkov o na EXPO stage
… not even now …
Ing. Ondřej Ševeček | | | MCM:Directory | MVP:Security | MCSE:Windows2012 | MCSE:SharePoint | MCT | Certified Ethical Hacker | Thank you! GOPAS vás to naučí