Computer education Kang ik june (kay) Dokdo(takeshima) problem EastNorth Asia small iland, who is the territory of Dokdo?
3/10 Topic 1. Dokdo is the territory of japan Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea Topic 3. Dokdo is conflict area of between Japan and South Korea
4/10 Topic 1. Dokdo is the territory of japan
5/10 Topic 1. Dokdo is the territory of japan [condensation] In Japanese history book, Dokdo was not the territory of Ko rea. Also Rusk documents and Treaty of San Francisco assist Dok do is the territory of Japan. Treaty of San Francisco is peace treaty of peace with Japan. In this treaty, Dokdo is excluded. Therefore Dokdo is territory of Japan.
6/10 Topic 1. Dokdo is the territory of japan Resources 1 : Rusk documents As regards the island of Dokdo, otherwise known as Takeshima or L iancourt Rocks, this normally uninhabited rock formation was accor ding to our information never treated as part of Korea and, since a bout 1905, has been under the jurisdiction of the Oki Islands Branc h Office of Shimane Prefecture of Japan. The island does not appea r ever before to have been claimed by Korea. It is understood that t he Korean Government's request that "Parangdo" be included amo ng the islands named in the treaty as having been renounced by Ja pan has been withdrawn.
7/10 Topic 1. Dokdo is the territory of japan Resources 2 : Treaty of San Francisco Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Ha milton and Dagelet.
8/10 Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea
9/10 [condensation] Korean history book, 『 History Of Three Countries 』, 『 History O f Koryo 』 and 『 The Annals of the Sejong a Geography 』 insist Dokdo is the ter ritory of South Korea. This history book insist that Ulleungdo and Dokdo as part of the b undle one. In January 1952, Rhee Syngman declared Rhee Line. This Rhee Line is includes Dokdo. At that time Korean war occurred. And The United State admited that Rhee Line is the purpose depe nse of the North Korea. These historical facts prove that Dokdo is Korea's territory. Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea
10/10 Resources 1 : History of the Three Nations History of the Three Nations, which was published by Bu Sik Kim d uring the Koryo Dynasty (1145), has a record about Usanguk, toda y ′ s Dokdo, in [Shillabongi] 13th Year of King Jijeung part and [Yeolj eon] Lee, Sabu part. As it still does today, Dokdo has always appeared in old texts with Ulleungdo. Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea
11/10 Resources 2 : Ulleungdo Dokdo Josabomoon (Ulleungdo and Dokdo Survey Document) This document is the original copy of the survey report which has be en made out as a project of ulleung art and science survey, perform ed by Ok seung sik in the Geological Reaserch Institute of the U.S Mi llitary Government Office, in This document describes the location, topography and geological fe atures of ulleung and Dokdo. We can see that U.S regarded Dokdo a s a Korean territory at that time. Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea
12/10 Resources 3 : Sahae changganho(The first edition of history Seas) A scientific journal pubilshed by the Society for the Reaserch of Jos eon History in (1948) of the Tangun era. As a special editio n, the picture of Dokdo ′ s whole view is inserted in this scientific jour nal. The picture in this scientific journal is the first one which introduce d Dokdo after Independence of Korea Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea
13/10 Resources 4 : Rhee Line (Peace Line) The Korean Government ’ s declaration of “ Peace Line ” in January 1952 was followed by repetitive diplomatic and military disputes between Kor ea and Japan for the possession of Dokdo. When the Korean War broke out, the Korean Government could no longer spare their forces to prote ct Dokdo from Japan. It was the Dokdo Royal Defense Team that defend ed Dokdo from the invasive intrusion of Japan. They fought over 50 batt les to protect Dokdo over a period of three years and eight months. Tha nks to their somewhat reckless devotion, Dokdo has remained a territor y of Korea and under the administration of the Korean Government unti l today. Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea
14/10 Resources 5 : Treaty of San Francisco Dokdo is annexed island to Uleungdo, to record just Uleungdo is that they recog nized its annexed island Dokdo as a Korean territory automatically. As the same li ne, Jejudo for example, has annexed island Udo and just to reocrd Jejudo is that its annexed island Udo is automatically included as a Korean territory as well. Th us, the fact that thousands of Korean islands were not specifically named in the peace treaty should not and does not mean they became the territories of Japan by default. Moreover, since 『 Agreement Respecting the Disposition of Former Japanese Ter ritories 』 (1950) drafted in preparation for the San Francisco Treaty, stated Dokd o as a ‘ Korean territory ’ in substantive enactment, although Dokdo was not mentioned in San Francisco Peace Treaty, you can say that Dokdo was recognize d as a Korean territory. Accordingly, Dokdo clearly belongs to Korea under international law, and the int ernational society except Japan has shared the same view. Topic 2. Dokdo is the territory of South Korea
15/10 Topic 3. Dokdo is conflict area of between Japan and South Korea
16/10 [condensation] The conflict that Dokdo is the conflict area of between Japan an d South Korea has been still continuing because of the different sides of the argument based on different views. Topic 3. Dokdo is conflict area of between Japan and South Korea
17/10 Resourses 1: Korea-Japan argument( 한 일 협정 ) 첫째, 독도 는 앞으 로 대한민국과 일 본 모두 자 국 의 영 토 라 고 주 장 한 다. 이에 반론 하는 것 에 이의를 제 기하지 않 는다. 둘째, 장 래 에 어업구역 을 설 정할 경우 양국 이 독도 를 자 국 영 토로 하는 선 을 획정 하고, 두 선 이 중복 되는 부분 은 공동 수 역으 로 한 다. 셋째, 현재 대한민국 이 ' 점거 ' 한 현상 을 유 지 한 다. 그러 나 경비원 을 증강 하 거 나 새 로 운 시설의 건축 이나 증축 은 하지 않 는다. 넷째, 양국 은 이 합 의를 계속 지 켜 나 간 다. The agreement did not mention Dokdo. Therefore Dokdo ownership is for everyone Topic 3. Dokdo is conflict area of between Japan and South Korea
18/10 In my opinion, Japan ’ s argument has significant errors. Considering historical background, Korea's sovereignty insist that Dokdo is the territory of Korea. Unfortunately, South Korea government did not treat i t appropriately to defense from Japanese approach. We need to know what it is going on and how we dea r it considering history background. Dokdo(takeshima) problem, my conculsion.