Unit 5 Distribution(Place) --- Logistics
Place Channels of distribution Place To ensure that their products are available in the proper quantities at the right time and place.
Customer Marketing Channels manufacturers wholesalers retailers customers
Wholesalers Intermediaries who buy in large quantities from the producers and redistribute the goods to the intermediaries at the next level.
Store Retailers Department stores General stores Discount stores Convenience stores Specialty stores (single-line stores) Exclusive stores (single brand) Category killers Factory outlets Supermarkets Hypermarkets
Non-store retailers Door-to-door sellers Mail-order houses (catalogue stores) Vending machines Virtual stores Carts and kiosks Multilevel marketing
Logistics and some related concepts 来源或过程翻 译 英文原文 Physical Distribution Logistics Distribution 、 Delivery 日本翻译成 日文汉字 物の流 → 物流ロジスティクス流通、配送 香港、台湾 翻译成中文 实体分配物流,后勤配送,配销,分销,分配 大陆翻译成 中文 实物流通、实物 配送 Logistics: 物流 (工商部门) Logistics: 后勤 (军队) 配送,分销,流通,分配 大陆将以上 译成的汉语 再译成英语 实物流通、实物 配送: Physical Distribution 物流: Logistics 后勤: Logistics 配送: distri-, delivery 分销: distribution 流通: distri-, circulation 分配: distri-, allocation
History and background Beginning of 20 th C Physical distribution M C In the 1980s Logistics rear-service in US Army In the 21th C Supply chain
Nature of logistics Planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flow of materials, final goods, and related information from points of origin to points of consumption to meet customer requirements at a profit. Getting the right product in right quantity to the right customer in the right place at the right time.
A value-added system Outbound distribution F C Inbound distribution S F Supply chain S M W R C
Importance of logistics Q: Why are companies today placing greater emphasis on logistics?
Why hot issue? Why hot issue? Buyer ’ s market Competition between sellers Importance of circulation connecting production and comsumption. 商 品 限额消费已成为历史 商品转化为货币, 关系 到企业的生死存亡 $
Development of competition b/w companies costs quality 70 年代 80 年代 90 年代 售 后 服 务 comsume rs 企业通过对市场需求的的快速反应,由大鱼吃小鱼 转变为快鱼吃慢鱼 快鱼快鱼 快鱼快鱼 慢鱼慢鱼 慢鱼慢鱼 Market demand s
E-commerce is calling … E-commerce without logistics---bubbles! Transaction on net
Supply Chain Members ABC DE F suppliers Key companiescustomers 供应商公司 采购部门内部客户 公司营销部门内部供应商 顾客
Enterprise Logistics Configuration suppliers raw materials inventory raw materials inventory WIP inventory final products inventory final products inventory customers Supply logistics Production logistics Distribution logistics Returned logistics materials information
Major logistics functions 运输配送 仓储保管 装卸搬运 现代包装 流通加工 物流信息 Transportation & distribution Warehousing & inventory Loading/unloading & carrying Packaging Distribution processing Logistics information K S B
Inventory terms FIFO (first in – first out) LIFO (Last in – first out) dead inventory Just-in-case Just-in-time Requiring only necessary units be provided in necessary quantities at necessary time.
3PL — outsourced logistics or contract logistics Third-party logistics provider ( an independent logistics provider that perform any of all of the functions required to get their clients’ product to market). Why? Getting the product to market is their main focus, these providers can often do it more efficiently and at lower cost than clients whose strengths lie elsewhere. Outsourcing logistics frees a company to focus more intensely on its core business. Integrated logistics companies understand increasingly complex logistics environments.