Utah: Cold War & Space Race
Definition of Communism A system of government where the government plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds all the power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
Cold War The Cold War (1950s to 1990s) was a sustained state of political and military tension between the powers of the Western world, led by the United States and the communist world, led by the Soviet Union Though there were fears that the war would end in atomic destruction, it is considered a “cold” war because no official battles between the USSR & USA ever occurred The Korean War & Vietnam War were connected with the Cold War & and were efforts by the Western world to stop the spread of communism
4 Ways the Cold War Affected Utah Disruption to life: Bomb shelters & Air Raid Drills Utah men & women fought in Korean War & Vietnam War Fear of Nuclear War & Fallout Search for Communists/paranoia
Space Race Competition between Soviet Union (USSR) & the United States for ultimate power/supremacy in space exploration Both nations focused on winning firsts in space exploration Seemed necessary for national security Symbolic of technological & ideological superiority Pivotal part of the Cold War
Two Main Events: Sputnik 1, Soviet Union satellite, began the Space Race in 1957 World’s first artificial satellite October Sky USSR was first into space! Man on the Moon USA first on the moon