Therapeutic Ultrasonic Tattoo Removal John Pankowski ITMG 100 Section 08 John Pankowski ITMG 100 Section 08
How are Tattoos Made? The process of getting tattooed involves an electronically powered drill that permanently injects ink into the dermis, the second layer of skin.
Previous Removal Processes Excision Dermabrasion Excision Dermabrasion
Previous Removal Processes Laser Therapy Salabrasion Laser Therapy Salabrasion
The Inventors Michael B. Chancellor Christopher C. Capelli Patented on June 13, 2007 Patent Website Patent Website Michael B. Chancellor Christopher C. Capelli Patented on June 13, 2007 Patent Website Patent Website
Cavitation sound waves are used to reduce the pressure of a liquid to the point where tiny bubbles of gas form.When the pressure is raised, the bubble collapses violently, generating huge pressures, albeit on a tiny scale.
Benefits to Cavitation Safe Economic Efficient Laser Removal Facts Laser Removal Facts Safe Economic Efficient Laser Removal Facts Laser Removal Facts
Ultrasonic Apparatus
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