11 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA ANA Mobile Strike Force Tactical Employment Concepts & Capability Development GSG7 Doctrine Directorate.


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Presentation transcript:

11 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA ANA Mobile Strike Force Tactical Employment Concepts & Capability Development GSG7 Doctrine Directorate

22 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoAAim: To propose a force employment concept and holistic capability development for the Mobile Strike Force, in order to ensure a uniform and complementary approach to: –Doctrine –Training –Professional and Cultural Development –Force employment

33 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoAOutline: Describing capability & fighting power Role of the MSF –Deductions Characteristics –Unique capabilities Limitations Likely tasks in force employment Key issues for capability development Conclusion & Recommendation

44 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Capability & Fighting Power Capability: Defined as the power to do something. Military capability may be described as fighting power Fighting power has three components: –Moral –Physical –Intellectual To build a capability, an army must consider all three components in a complementary fashion

55 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Capability: Fighting Power Components -Any military capability should be considered across all three components -Each component influences the others Moral Component: -Fighting spirit- Cohesion -Morale- Unique culture Intellectual Component: - Doctrine- Professional education -Identification & perception Physical Component: -Training- Equipment -Personnel - Organisation

6 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Mobile Strike Force: Background to Concept Capability Gap Assessment: Jun 2010 Objective assessment of requirements of ANA in 2014 at 195k. Attempt to reconcile ANA aspiration for optimal Fighting Power with a relevant and sustainable capability. Need for a rapidly deployable force to meet objectives and reinforce Corps Titled: Mobile Strike Force (MSF) in mid-2011.

7 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Mobile Strike Force: Background to Concept MSF requirement expressed as: Mechanised armoured force with: ­ Tactical mobility and capability: ­ flexible and responsive to the tactical need ­ deliver organic force equivalent to Infantry Kandak ­ respond quickly to fix an enemy and allow follow-on forces to gather for decisive actions ­ Operational Flexibility : ­ mobility to cover large expanses of land to reinforce various Areas of Responsibility ­ employability to achieve a wide variety of tactical objectives & tasks ­ Survivability: ­ optimal protection against the prevalent threat (infantry based). ­ Lethality: ­ lethality to overmatch the most likely adversary ­ need for dismounting element ­ Sustainment. A platform system capable of being sustained solely by the ANA. Concept endorsed by ISAF Comd, MinDef and CoGS summer 2010, reaffirmed Dec Leads to the conclusion that the MSF is to be a mechanised infantry force

88 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Employment Concept: Role of the MSF To provide a mechanised infantry force capable of the full range of tactical actions, that is rapidly deployable at the Kandak level, with integral firepower and protection, to conduct independent operations or to reinforce formation operations.

99 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Role of the MSF: Deductions To provide a mechanised infantry force capable of the full range of tactical actions, that is rapidly deployable at the Kandak level, with integral firepower and protection, to conduct independent operations or to reinforce formation operations. What it means: –Mechanised infantry force: Sufficient dismounting troops to seize and hold ground Trained in infantry tasks –Full range of tactical actions: Offensive actions (attack, raid, pursuit, etc) Defensive actions (defence and delay) Enabling actions (flank protection, reconnaissance, covering forces, convoy escorts) Stability actions (protect populations, support humanitarian assistance) –Rapidly deployable: High levels of readiness High levels of maintenance –Integral firepower and protection: Combined arms Able to accept additional allocations of forces

10 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Mobile Strike Force. Kandak Taskhil Kandak HQ (51) Weapons Coy (13)HQ Coy (10) Med Pl (47)Maint Pl (35) 3 Rifle Coys (13x3=39) Recce Pl (28)Engr Pl (18)Mor Pl (33) MSFV GPK: 24 Mk-2. MSFV Turret: 31 Mk-19 & Mk-48. MSFV Ambulance: 3 No weapons. Platoon 1 (34x3=102) Platoon 2 (34x3=102) Platoon 3 ( 34x3=102) AT Pl (21) * Battalion Headquarters (16) and Support Platoon (38) not represented in organization chart shown. MSF Kandak Totals 639 (x5) = 3195 MSF Brigade HQ = 266 MSF Ground Forces Total = 3461

11 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Unique Characteristics: Mobility: –Tactical mobility: Off road and high speed on roads –Operational mobility: Can reinforce any area within the nation Can reinforce operational level objectives at short notice Can shift operational level main effort at short notice Protection: –Against mines, IEDs and small arms fire –Troops for dismount and close protection of vehicles in close terrain Firepower: –Mix of anti-personnel (.50 cal & grenade launcher) and light anti-armour –Allows “attack-by-fire” tasks for suppression to fix enemy forces Integral fire support, mobility support and CSS: –Mortars, anti-armour, reconnaissance & engineers are integral –CSS including medical is integral Flexibility: –Combination of mounted and dismounted tasks and tactics

12 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Specific Limitations & Deductions: Fewer dismounting troops: –Only 2.5 sections in each platoon –Option to place rockets and grenadiers under Pl Sgt as a fire support detachment –Platoon formations may adopt: More narrow frontages Attack in echelon to ensure depth –Vehicles may be considered integral to the section for intimate support to the section. High levels of CSS requirements: maintenance and fuel: –Require detailed planning for sustainment and more time in preparation –Well-rehearsed support echelon system –A specific mindset for the importance of maintenance across all ranks Vulnerable in close terrain: –Require intimate protection from dismounts in close terrain (eg, urban areas)

13 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Employment Concept: Likely Missions & Tasks Given the characteristics, capabilities and role of the MSF, the most suitable tasks are along the lines of: –Offensive: Destroy, Seize, Neutralise, Clear, Contain, Reconnaissance-in-Force Break-in force against deliberate defensive positions Break-out of encircled forces, Deception attacks –Defensive: Defence and delay missions Suitable for both mobile defence and a reserve for area defence Block, Fix, Retain –Enabling: Flank protection, reconnaissance, covering force battles Convoy escort –Stability: Protection of populations (until relieved by other forces) Delivery of humanitarian aide Check points, movement control, etc

14 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA Key Issues for MSF Capability Development: Moral Component: - Unique identification within the ANA -Rapid reaction force fighting spirit - Mindset of the importance of maintenance as a point of pride & collective responsibility Intellectual Component: - Doctrine specific to the MSF and its conduct of tactical operations: -Exploitation of capabilities -Mitigation of limitations -Include special considerations -Briefings and education in command and staff courses -Mindset of faster decision making -Command post & cloth model exercises -Priority for lessons learned teams Physical Component: -Training with a primarily mechanised infantry focus -Secondary role in mounted tasks -Enforced maintenance routines -Training in crew maintenance -Training with Corps that will be reinforced -Recommendations for training and taskhil amendments

15 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoAConclusion: Mobile Strike Force provides a robust, flexible and rapid-reaction force for the ANA Applicable across the range of tactical tasks Significant advantages in several areas: –Mobility –Firepower –Flexibility in employment Significant challenges The development of the capability should address all the components: moral; physical; and, intellectual Recommendation: –GSG7 Doctrine issue a MSF concept paper to schools and formations to guide training and employment and to support future doctrine and training improvement


17 UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF/GIRoA APC- OGPK Max Crew – 2; Pax – 8. Mk-2. MSF. What: MSFV Variants Ambulance Max Crew – 3; Ambulatory – 2; Sitting – 2. APC- Turret Max Crew – 3; Pax – 4. Mk-19 & Mk-48.