ENG2410 Digital Design LAB #8 LAB #8 Data Path Design
ENG241/Lab #82 Lab Objectives Understand the steps required for the data path design. Design and Implement the Arithmetic Logic Unit of a simple CPU. Understand the concept of modular and hierarchical design. VHDL will be used throughout the LAB.
ENG241/Lab #83 Part 1 Arithmetic Circuit Design and Implement 4 bits arithmetic unit. Use the n-bit adder implemented in LAB 5. Design the B-logic that select the operation.
ENG241/Lab #84 Part 2 Logic Circuit Design the logic part of your data path. Use 4 to 1 Multiplexer to select the required operation.
ENG241/Lab #85 Part 3 Data Path Combine the arithmetic and logic circuits to build the data bath. Use 2 to 1 Multiplexer to select the operation Arithmetic/Logic.
ENG241/Lab #86 Part 3 Data Path
ENG241/Lab #87 2 to 1 MUX in VHDL library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity mux_2_1 is port ( a,b : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); s : in std_logic; s : in std_logic; g : out std_logic); g : out std_logic); end mux_2_1; architecture behaviour of mux_2_1 is begin up: process (a,b,s) begin if s=‘0’ then g <= a; g <= a;else g <= b; g <= b; end if; end process; end behaviour;
ENG241/Lab #88 UCF File NET SW0 LOC = T10; //Slide switches NET SW1 LOC = T9; NET SW2 LOC = V9; NET SW3 LOC = M8; NET SW4 LOC = N8; NET SW5 LOC = U8; NET SW6 LOC = V8; NET SW7 LOC = T5; NET BTN1 LOC = P149; // Pushbutton switches NET LD0 LOC = U16; //LEDs NET LD1 LOC = V16; NET LD2 LOC = U15; NET LD3 LOC = V15; NET LD4 LOC = M11; NET LD5 LOC = N11; NET LD6 LOC = R11; NET LD7 LOC = T11;
Lab Report Title Page – Group # and Names Problem Statement System Overview and Justification of Design Block Diagram of the System Circuit, Schematic VHDL Code (Include COMMENTS!) Arithmetic Logic Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Simulation Waveform Problems Encountered and Recommendation ENG241/Lab #79
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