Functional Description and Symbols
Where, N = {1, 2, 3, ….., ∞}
Where, N = {1, 2, 3, ….., ∞}
Where, N = {1, 2, 3, ….., ∞}
Where, n = 2 (m+1) – 1 m = {0,1, 2, 3, ….., ∞}
Operation of a 2-to-1 line Mux
Operation of a 4-to-1 line Mux
Operation of a Multiplexer Tree
Implementing Functions Using Multiplexers
Multiplexer Universality for Logic Realization f(a, b, c) = a’b’c + ab Implementation directly from truth tables
Multiplexer Universality for Logic Realization f(a, b, c) = a’b’c + abfor ( a, b ) = ( 0, 0 ) f = c for ( a, b ) = ( 0, 1 ) f = 0 for ( a, b ) = ( 1, 0 ) f = 0 for ( a, b ) = ( 1, 1 ) f = 1 Implementation directly from truth tables
Multiplexer Universality for Logic Realization f(a, b, c) = a’b’c + abfor a == 0 f = b’. c for a == 1 f = ( b. c’ ) + ( b. c ) = b Implementation directly from truth tables