O VERVIEW Material Review Design Objective System Concept Challenge and Problems Future Plan
M ATERIAL R EVIEW E-Block: To let non-technical user to setup a sensor base system. Simple system setup. Suitable for simple applications. Cost effective towards specific application Wired or wireless sensor base system.
M ATERIAL R EVIEW Wireless Sensor Network A sensors network consist of multiple sensor node. A wireless solution. Implement network topology in the system. Unattended operation. Node capacity is scalable.
D ESIGN O BJECTIVE Integrate e-blocks into a wireless sensor network. E-block Wireless Sensor network that can setup easily by user. Provide simple and low cost solution.
S YSTEM C ONCEPT Simple e-block application: Reference from the e-block simulator
S YSTEM C ONCEPT e-block in a simple network. Identity on each node required
S YSTEM C ONCEPT Implement e-block in wireless sensor network Example sensor network using mesh topology:
S YSTEM C ONCEPT Previous e-block: Sensor Logic/State Communication Output Current e-block in 3 main parts: Sensors part Node part Output part
S YSTEM C ONCEPT Sensors part: Output Data: Binary output (ON or OFF) Numerical output Non-binary type sensor Example: temperature sensor
S YSTEM C ONCEPT Node part: a) Multiplexer Receive multiple inputs b) Data Processing Unit Process data and data passing c) Communication Unit Wireless Using ZigBee or similar type of communication protocol called MiWi from Microchip Technology. The MiWi is a simple protocol specifically designed for low data rate, short distance,low-cost networks. Fundamentally based on IEEE standard.
S YSTEM C ONCEPT Output part: Binary type such as LED or Buzzer Numerical type such as LCD Computer
S YSTEM C ONCEPT To implement e-block in wireless sensor network, communication part is the main concern.
C HALLENGE AND P ROBLEMS : To achieve the objective of allow simple wireless sensor network setup. Setup in a complex network. Steps needed to allocate nodes identity.
C HALLENGE AND P ROBLEMS : Network concern: Type of network topology Multi-hop routing algorithm
F UTURE P LAN Study of several protocol stack for our design. Main focus on MiWi protocol stack Initial stage of e-block electronics design. Further feasibility studies of the system.