Confidentiality of Student Records & FERPA Student Policy #09.14
Student Records/FERPA Upon written request, parents or eligible students may be provided copies of their educational records, including those maintained in electronic format, when necessary to reasonably permit inspection. Such copies shall be provided in a manner that protects the confidentiality of other students. District and school personnel must use reasonable methods to identify and authenticate the identity of parents, students, school officials, and any other parties to whom the District discloses personally identifiable information from educational records. District and school officials/staff may only access student record information in which they have a legitimate educational interest.
Student Records/FERPA All student records are to be treated as confidential. These include but are not limited to: progress reports and report cards; graded exams; IEP’s; 504’s; free and reduced lunch forms; household income forms; and disciplinary conduct reports. Do not leave student records out for others to see. Do not discuss students outside of a professional conversation. Treat student records as if they belong to your own family member.