0 District Self-Monitoring October 2015 Web-based Monitoring System (WBMS) for the Tennessee Department of Education Division of Consolidated Planning and Monitoring
1 Why Self-Monitoring? Locate areas of strengths and weaknesses within the district Reduce number of non-compliant findings Internally correct and identify weaknesses Fewer corrective actions from TDOE
2 WBMS & Process Overview WBMS is a web-based program that has been used for the past five years. WBMS was recently upgraded for LEAs to have access and use for student record reviews. WBMS will help LEAs identify areas of weakness or non-compliance with IEPs. For the school year, over 1400 student records will be reviewed by LEAs across the state.
3 WBMS Pilot for Student Record Review Spring 2015 6 Participating LEAs LEA feedback: New self-monitoring process enabled the district to locate areas of strengths and weaknesses with student IEPs LEA WBMS data will better assist districts with the self-monitoring process for student record reviews Patterns of errors became clear quickly Additional training and reporting of results recommended Teachers could benefit from being involved in the record reviews The timing of student record reviews should occur early enough in the school year to make corrections that will impact student learning
4 WBMS for School Year Every LEA will perform self-monitoring of IEPs using WBMS for student record reviews Each LEA will review 10 student records TDOE will select student records to be reviewed Selected students will be available for review in WBMS Student documentation will be uploaded to EasyIEP by the LEA using PaperClip The LEA will have 6 weeks from WBMS notification to complete and submit all documentation CPM Regional Consultants and Special Populations staff will select a sample of LEA records from each region to verify.
5 Next Up! 1. Identify IDEA district staff who will review IEP student records in WBMS. IDEA Supervisors listed in ePlan will automatically be users in WBMS (This means, no User Access Forms required) 2. If you are not the IDEA supervisor in ePlan, you must request WBMS access via submission of the form found on ePlan under TDOE Resources / User Access Forms / Web-based Monitoring System (WBMS). 3. the completed form to
6 Welcome Page
7 Login Information First Time Login: Click on I forgot my Login Name/Password Enter your address A system generated will be sent to you which will contain your login name and a link to create your password Every user has to create a new password If you do not receive the within 15 minutes, please contact
8 District Self-Monitoring Summary Select all relevant focus areas for each student record Respond to each question on the Student Protocol Response of “No” requires a comment Protocol can be completed during multiple sessions Upload documents to EasyIEP using PaperClip When all Student Protocols are complete, submit the Self- Monitoring data through the WBMS to TDOE No changes can be made after district submits
9 Self-Monitoring 1.Select CM Review 2.Select Student Record Review
10 Student Record Selection Displays the student records selected for review Click on the State ID to navigate to the Student Record Detail page #1
11 Student Record Detail (top) Displays student demographics imported from EasyIEP
12 Student Record Detail (Located at bottom of page) Focus Area #1 is mandatory for all students At least ONE additional focus area must be selected Select all other relevant focus areas for this student Districts cannot add a new student Click Save/Return Ages 14 to 16 Ages 16+
13 Student Record Summary In the Review Response Protocol column, an indicates the protocol is incomplete Click on the to respond to all protocol questions for the student A check mark indicates that the protocol is complete All Response Protocols must be complete in order to submit the Self-Monitoring data #2
14 Response Protocol A “No” response requires a comment (and indicates non-compliance) If a “No” can be corrected before submission: correct the finding, add a comment regarding correction made, then change the “No” to “Yes” After entering responses for each item, click Save/Return at the bottom of the page Repeat process for every student
15 If Findings shows “Incomplete” the district cannot submit self- monitoring If Findings shows “Compliant” or “Noncompliant” the district will Check the Certification Box and Click Submit “Noncompliant” is a result of any “No” responses entered on student protocols If a “No” can be corrected before submission: correct the finding, add a comment regarding correction made, then change the “No” to “Yes After submission no further changes can be made by district Submission of Self-Monitoring
16 CPM Reviews District Self-monitoring After district submits its self-monitoring, TDOE will review and verify If TDOE finds that corrective actions are needed, an is sent from the WBMS which will allow district to login in again to make corrections For example, a new IEP meeting may be required obtaining a signature page may be required eligibility report needed Any corrected documentation must also be uploaded to EasyIEP After all corrections are made, the district will resubmit in WBMS (go back to submission page)
17 Corrective Actions When corrections actions are required, Select one of the Corrective Actions menu options District Corrective Actions Individual Corrective Actions OR Student Corrective Actions After all corrections are made Click Submit Correction Actions menu option After district submits its corrections, TDOE will review and verify again
18 Last Step !!! The district receives an from WBMS stating “No further actions required and your monitoring is closed”.
22 FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: Notifications can also be submitted electronically at: