Introduction Fruity vegetables are propagated by seeds, include Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli and Capsicum. The seedlings are grown in nursery so as to attain.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction Fruity vegetables are propagated by seeds, include Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli and Capsicum. The seedlings are grown in nursery so as to attain proper growth and vigor. The seeds are sown in medium either on seedbeds or in protrays. Tomato Pro-Tray Nursery

Seed Rate and Treatment: Seed Rate: Tomato : gm/ha, Brinjal: gm/ha, Capsicum:500gm/ha and Chillies:1-1.5 kg/ha. Seed Treatment : Seed treatment of Bio-fertilizer and fungicides is essential for better germination, growth and protection of seeds form soil borne disease. Seed treatments with Captan or 3 gm/kg seeds followed by Azotobactor 25 gm/kg seed. Seed treatment with ppm increase seed germination in Chilies

Time of Sowing Time of sowing affects germination, growth, development, disease and pest attack on the fruity vegetable crops. Time of sowing affects price fetched by the crop in market and is therefore an important factor affecting yield, income and turnover of the farmer. Sowing of seeds at appropriate time in appropriate medium resulting in to the success of the fruity vegetable nursery.

Time of Sowing Tomato: Early Varieties : June to July Late Varieties : January to February Hilly area: March to April Brinjal: Kharif Season: June Rabbi Season: December Summer Season: March Chillies: Kharif Season: June to July Rabi Season: October Summer Season: January - February Capsicum: August & November Seedlings of Brinjals Seeds Sowing in Protrays

Nursery Bed Preparation: Nursery Size: Nursery of 1500 to 2500 square feet area produces seedlings sufficient for planting 1 hectare area. Bed Preparation: Vegetable seedlings can be grown either in Protrays or on Raised beds Protray : 98 celled protrays are commonly used for growing vegetable seedlings. The pro-trays are filled with appropriate growth media before sowing.

Nursery Bed Preparation: Raised Bed Preparation Well drained, fertile and fine tilth soil prepared by deep ploughing, clod crushing and 2-3 harrowing. 25 kg FYM/ bed, 1-2 kg Suphala/m 2 and 10 gm Phorate 10 G per bed are added to the soil before last harrowing. Bed size: 1.2 m wide, 15 cm high and 2-3 m long according to requirement. Row to Row Spacing: 5 cm. Raised Bed for Tomato Seedlings Growth

After Care Seedlings are watered regularly. Seedlings drenched with Bavistin days after germination to prevent damping off disease. 0.1 % is sprayed during the same period to protect from sucking pests. Hardening of seedling by withholding water for 3-5 days before transplanting. But seedlings must be watered just before uprooting to avoid root damage. White Fly on Vegetable Seedlings.