Tactile Auditory Sensory Substitution Ryan Thome, Sarah Offutt, Laura Bagley, Amy Weaver, Jack Page BME 200/300 October 20, 2006
Client: Veronica H. Heide, Au.D. Audible Difference Advisor: Mitchell E. Tyler, P.E., M.S. Dept. of Biomedical Engineering & Dept. of Ortho-Rehab Medicine University of Wisconsin - Madison
Overview Problem Statement Background Proposed Designs Future Work Questions
Problem Statement The goal is to design and develop an auditory substitution device that through the use of a digital hearing aid and either vibro- or electro-tactile stimulation can substitute for regional frequency hearing loss.
PDS Summary Adjusts to user specific hearing loss Works with digital hearing aid output Use vibro- or electro- tactile stimulation Not highly noticeable (discrete or aesthetically acceptable)
Sensory Substitution Presenting environmental information absent in one sensory modality to another Examples: Long Cane - visual navigation substituted though touch Sign Language - speech substitution through vision Braille - visual text substitution though touch
High Frequency Hearing Loss Sensorineural Normal hearing = 50 – 20,000 Hz Above 1,000 Hz is lost Loss of ability to hear certain high frequency consonants Like hitting piano key with no strings Krames Communications.
Existing Devices Tickle Talker Electric shock on sides of fingers One electrode per range of frequency Tactaid 7 Vibro-tactile stimulation on sternum, abdomen, forearm or neck Tacticon alengineering_1903_431188
Digital Hearing Aid Two main types: In-the-ear (ITE) Behind-the-ear (BTE) Frequency range 100 Hz – 7300 Hz Takes analog waveform and converts it to string of numbers Gain processing, digital feedback reduction, noise reduction, speech enhancement
Sound Processing Unit Obtains high frequency signal from hearing aid Amplifies signal Several channels of frequency Channel signals corresponding tactile stimulus to fire
Electro- vs. Vibro-Tactile Stimulation Electro- Pros Less power consumption – 1.2mW per 3 mm electrode Smaller Easier construction Cons Potential for shock and burns v. large current) Sensation quality varies Limited dynamic range of sensation Vibro- Pros Less variation in sensation Comfort Cons More power consumption mW per 4 mm electrode Harder to attach More complex construction
Placement In the ear Pros Completely concealed from outsiders Cons Less space for differentiation More complex construction Behind the ear Pros Mostly concealed from outsiders Easy access to hearing aid Cons Attachment impeded by hair Neck Pros Most space for tactile layout Easiest construction Cons Easily noticeable to outsiders
Alternative Design 1 & 2 Design 1 Electro-Neck Design 2 Vibro-BTE
Proposed Design Electro-BTE Array of electrodes aligned vertically behind ear Each electrode corresponds to certain frequency range As frequency increases each corresponding channel signals the electrode
Future Work Decide on components Design and build signal processing unit Determine two point discrimination threshold Analyze signal from hearing aid and break into channels
Design Matrix Electro- Neck Vibro-EarElectro-Ear Power Consumption 515 Safety454 Ease of Manufacturing 424 Patient Comfort 344 Aesthetics 244 Total181621
References Krames Communications. (1995). Hearing Aids. [Brochure]. San Bruno, CA. Audiological Engineering Corp. (n.d.) Tactaid 7. Retrieved 29 September, 2006 from