Adran Astudiaethau Theatr Ffilm a Theledu Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies TEACHABILITY: Cynllun Prawf Pilot Project TEACHABILITY: Cynllun.


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Presentation transcript:

Adran Astudiaethau Theatr Ffilm a Theledu Department of Theatre, Film and Television Studies TEACHABILITY: Cynllun Prawf Pilot Project TEACHABILITY: Cynllun Prawf Pilot Project

Pynciau Llosg Academaidd Academic Issues Gofynion penodol disgyblaethau celfyddydau perfformiadol Specific requirements of performing arts disciplines

Dana believes that while she has been dyslexic all her life, she has only recently become disabled, in her interactions with various campus offices and processes. Fassett and Morella (2008)

Y Camau Cyntaf The First Steps Cyfarfod cyntaf gyda Chyfarwyddwr Dysgu ac Addysgu Creu gweithgor bach Initial meeting with the Director of Teaching and Learning Teachability working group

Ambitions Dyheadau Adolygu modiwlau Asesu Canlyniadau Dysgu au perthynas gydag Asesiadau Ymchwilio i broblemmau sydd yn codi wrth weithio ar 2 campws. Review modules Learning Outcomes and modes of Assessment Problems of working on 2 campuses

Y Cam Nesaf The Next Step Cyfyngur gwaith i 4 modiwl Holiaduron Narrow the work to 4 modules Questionnaires

Symud Ymlaen Moving On DD10320 Egwyddorion Perfformio (principles of performance) DR10320 Modes of Practice: Theatre DR33830 Production in Practice: Interpreting Theatre Texts 1 DR30420 Modern European Drama

Iaith Galluoedd Craidd DR10320 Egwyddorion Perfformio: Theatr Arholiad Llafar Arholiad Llafar neu gyfrwng arall wedii cytuno Language Core competencies DR10320 Modes of Practice: Theatre oral examination oral examination or agreed alternative

DD10320 Principles of Performance commitment and contribution to class work

Gofidion Concerns Camddehongli Ymarfer Annheg Misinterpretation Unfair practice

The culture of disbelief that surrounds learning disability in the academy is very much alive and well. It is clear that they assume that non-visible disability is pretence, that students with non- visible disabilities are faking it, tricking their professors and their non-disabled peers in the process. Fassett and Morella (2008)

Agweddau Cadarnhaol Positive Attitudes Cyd-destun gyfreithiol Cydnabod y cyfle fod yn rhagweithiol yn hytrach nag adweithiol legal context opportunity to be pro-active rather than reactive reasonable adjustments

Y Dyfodol The Future Adolygiad Cwricwlwm Modiwlau Newydd Curriculum Review New Modules

Cymeradwyo Modiwlau Newydd Teachability (Cyfleuoedd Cyfartal mewn Anabledd) Ystyriwch yr addasiadau isod a fydd efallai yn angenrheidiol ar gyfer myfyriwr/wraig anabl am reswm sydd yn ymwneud ai amhariad: 1 Addasiadau ir Canlyniadau Dysgu 2 Addasiadau ir modd y mae Canlyniadau Dysgu yn cael eu profi dulliau asesu amgen.

Approval of new modules TEACHABILITY (Disability Equality) Please consider the adjustments below which might be needed by a disabled student for a reason connected with his/her impairment: 1. Adjustments to the Learning Outcomes 2. Adjustments to how the Learning Outcomes can be demonstrated (alternative assessment methods)

Gweithgor Parhaol Swyddog Lles Adrannol Codi Ymwybyddiaeth Adolygu Rhwystredigau Strwythurol Permanent Working Group Welfare Officer Raising Awareness Reviewing Structural Obstacles