The Iliad Background of the Epic Poem and The Iliad.
Pre-Reading Discussion What do you think of when you hear the word “epic”? List examples of epic movies, books, tv shows. What makes something “epic?”
Characteristics of an Epic Poem long narrative poem In medias res –Epic poems begin in the middle –Listeners were already familiar with the people and places –Jumps right into the action Invocation to the Muse –Muses – nine goddesses in Greek mythology –The poet must be inspired to tell his tale –The Odyssey and The Iliad begin this way Homeric Epithets –Descriptive words or phrases used to describe people –Quick way to describe people ex. “brilliant Achilles” and “Hector breaker of horses”
Bkgd. On The Iliad Details the Trojan War – 12 th and 13 th Centuries ( BCE) Trojan War (10 year war): Greeks versus Trojans Took place in modern day Greece and Turkey Written down by a man named Homer in the 8 th Century ( BCE) The Iliad is only about the last two months in the 10 th year
Homer the “blind” poet Is credited with writing down the two oldest epics: The Odyssey and The Iliad Legend has it that he was blind Ultimate spokesman of the tradition of Greek Poetry
Qualities of the Epic Hero Bravery, superhuman strength, success in battle Driving desire to immortalize himself through various deeds Desire for eternal glory and fame Courage in the face of death High birth or of semi-divine origin or national status Achilles = Epic Hero?
Before the The Iliad begins…. Wedding between Thetis and King Peleus (Achilles’ parents) Everyone invited except one: Eris – the goddess of discord Angry, she throws an apple into the wedding
Before the The Iliad begins…. On the apple: “for the fairest one” Three goddesses believe they are the fairest –Hera –Aphrodite –Athena
Before the The Iliad begins…. Zeus doesn’t want to decide Paris is chosen to pick and is offered the following –Hera: King of Europe and Asia –Athena: wisdom and skill in war –Aphrodite: the most beautiful woman
Before the The Iliad begins…. Paris is granted Helen of Troy – problem: married to King Menelaus Visits Menalaus’ home as a guest and kidnaps her Menalaus’ brother is Agamemnon: King of Mycenea and leader of Greek Army Guess what happens next
Nine Years and 10 Months Later The Iliad Begins Greeks versus Trojans Achilles versus Hector Other famous Greeks: Agamemnon, Helen, Odysseus, and Patroclus Famous Trojans: Andromache, Paris, Priam Gods take sides