Ancient Greece Chapter 4 Section 1
Learning Goal I will be able to explain how the geography of Greece helped form part of their civilization.
Ancient Greece Mediterranean World lasted from approximately 2000 B.C. to 476 A.D. During this time it produced one of the most brilliant civilizations in all history….. GREECE
Geography Shapes Greek Life Greek traditions and customs were shaped by the geography of their land. 3 important environmental influences on Greek Civilization- The Sea, The Land, and The Climate The Sea- shaped Greek civilization. The Aegean, Ionian, and Black Seas were important transportation routes for the Greeks. Sea Travel and trade were important because Greece was poor in natural resources. Greeks became great sailors.
Greece Physical Map
The Land- Greece is a rocky land with high mountains and deep valleys. Mountains cover most Greece Difficult to move over the land Hard to unite Greek city-states Good farm land only covered about a quarter(1/4) of Greece and could not easily support many people. Climate- Very mild climate - Much leisure time and business done outdoors
Mycenaean Civilization Large wave of Indo-Europeans migrated from the Eurasian steppes to Europe, India, and Southeast Asia around 2000 B.C., these people were called Mycenaeans. The name came from their leading city, Mycenae (my-SEE-nee) Minoans came first and set the stage for the Mycenaeans.
The Trojan War About 1200 B.C., the Mycenaean Kings fought a 10 year war against Troy, an independent city located in Anatolia(Modern day Turkey) According to legend, a Greek army besieged and destroyed Troy because a Trojan youth kidnapped Helen(Helen of Troy), the beautiful wife of a Greek King. Many historians believed the Trojan War was fictional. The Trojan Horse
Epics of Homer Lack of writing, Greeks learned about the Trojan War through spoken word. Their greatest storyteller was a blind man named HOMER. He wrote Epics- narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds. Famous for two Epics The Iliad- Story of the Trojan War The Odyssey- Story of journey home after the war.
Homer Epics Heroic story
Greek Myths Greeks developed a rich set of myths- traditional stories about their gods. These myths helped to understand the mysteries of nature and the power of human passions. Example: Myths explained the changing of the seasons Greeks attributed human qualities, such as love, hate, and jealousy Gods fight with each other constantly. Familiar names in Greek Myths: -Zeus -Athena - Medusa
Zeus Hermes- Gods messenger Medusa