Goal of Certification A world-class education in the essentials of church leadership and management. Both newbies and old pros will benefit from the content, the interaction with others and the assignments about their local church.
Target Audience Pastors Senior, Executive & Associate Directors Finance, HR & Directors Governing Boards Elders, Deacons & Church Treasurers
Levels of Certification Level 1—Operations Level 2—Ministry Strategy Level 3—Executive Functions
10 Webinar Discussions 1.Hiring—David Lyons. April 22 2.Hiring, part 2—Dr. Bill Egner. April 29 3.Compensation—Sutton Turner. May 6 4.Compensation—May 8 & May 13 5.Reviews—Dr. Paul Utnage. May 20
Webinar discussions, cont. 6.Terminations—Jon Wright. May 27 7.Terminations, part 2—Daniel Rolfe. June 3 8.Staffing Plans & MultiSite— Jim Tomberlin. June 10 9.HR Policy—Eric Rojas. June HR Policy, part 2—Matt Anthony & David Middlebrook. June 24
Today’s Class Part 1—Introduction, 10 min. Part 2—Interactive Lecture with David Lyons, 40 min. Part 3—Q & A, 30 min.
Staffing, Class 1: Hiring This session will explore various hiring plans and methods. Dr. Fletcher will walk through his 10 Steps for Hiring Pastors. One focus will be on the intentionality of training others to hire effectively with consistent values, hiring support personnel and pastors. The final aspect of this class will be the unique issues of hiring a Senior Pastor. For the Q&A time, bring issues relevant to the required reading and your own hiring context.
Reading Required 10 Steps to Hiring Great Pastors & Directors by Dr. David Fletcher directors Leading Through a Senior Pastor Transition by Dr. Chuck Olson hwww.xpastor.org/staffing/hiring/leading-through-a-senior-pastor- transition Suggested The Hidden Step in Hiring: Interview the Spouse by Dr. David Fletcher the-spouse The Search and Selection Process by Bruce Dingman
Assignments Pick a minimum: 3 for a B 5 for an A Assignments are due 5 months after the class begins
Assignments 1.Review the salary guides of 4-10 other churches and create/review the staffing pay grid for your church. 2.Review the HR policies of 3-5 other churches & critique your church’s policy. Consult a regional HR professional on the relevance of your policy. 3.Analyze your FLSA compliance and present the positive/negative results. Consult an attorney about your compliance. 4.Analyze your steps in hiring. Develop/enhance your preferred hiring path. Define your 10-steps in hiring. 5.Analyze your steps in terminations. Define the difference between pastors and non-pastors. Develop/enhance your preferred hiring path. 6.Write an article on one aspect of what you have learned, 1,000- 1,500 words. You can focus on issues in your own church or life, or from another ministry. XPastor might publish your article. This assignment counts double. 7.With permission of the professor, create your own assignment.
David Lyons David Lyons is the President of MinisterSearch. He got experience in search firms with a $250 million tech- consulting firm. As David’s knowledge of and success in corporate recruiting and “head hunting” increased, together with his church leadership experience, he realized that there was a great need to enhance the hiring and church staff development process within the church. So, he founded MinisterSearch. Since 2001, David and his team have consulted with thousands of pastoral and church staff members in the areas of hiring, firing, compensation studies, development, and retention.
Needs Assessment
BEFORE YOU START CONSIDERING CANDIDATES Needs Assessment Culture – what is it?
BEFORE YOU START CONSIDERING CANDIDATES Needs Assessment Culture – what is it? Profile The Job
BEFORE YOU START CONSIDERING CANDIDATES Needs Assessment Culture – what is it? Profile The Job Profile The Candidate
BEFORE YOU START CONSIDERING CANDIDATES Needs Assessment Culture – what is it? Profile The Job Profile The Candidate Develop and Effective Process
Where to Find Them?
NOW WE CAN START CONSIDERING CANDIDATES Where to Find Them? Interview Technique
ONCE YOU MAKE THE HIRE – just getting started
Development Plan
ONCE YOU MAKE THE HIRE – just getting started Development Plan KNOW who you’ve hired
ONCE YOU MAKE THE HIRE – just getting started Development Plan KNOW who you’ve hired Play Book
ONCE YOU MAKE THE HIRE – just getting started Development Plan KNOW who you’ve hired Play Book Success – who is responsible?
ONCE YOU MAKE THE HIRE – just getting started Development Plan KNOW who you’ve hired Play Book Success – who is responsible? Clear cut expectations
ONCE YOU MAKE THE HIRE – just getting started Development Plan KNOW who you’ve hired Play Book Success – who is responsible? Clear cut expectations Execution
ONCE YOU MAKE THE HIRE – just getting started Development Plan—KNOW who you’ve hired Play Book Success – who is responsible? Clear cut expectations Execution Feedback
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Hiring a Senior Pastor Constitutional Issues Practical Issues Pitfalls
Q & A Send Questions via Chat Bring issues relevant to the required reading and your own hiring context