Weather Forecasting
Project outline This is an extended piece of work which will include using higher level thinking skills to allow you to achieve level 6 and 7 work To support you with this you will be target setting and being made aware of starting levels, current working levels and target levels for the end of the year To help you achieve these higher levels we will be looking at Blooms Taxonomy.
Bloom’s taxonomy
Which areas do YOU need to focus on? Shortly you will be given your target levels for this assessment
Setting Targets In your books you need to do the following on a clean page Target settingTarget setting Current level End of year target level Restless Earth Self set assessment target
Year 8 Weather reporting Weather Diary Key question: Do the Weather Forecasters always get it right?
Weather Diary This work will help you understand the weather module you will do this term Key question: Do the Weather Forecasters always get it right? You will need to keep a diary for 7 days, using the diary sheets available on the school learning zone on the website to record the 24 hour weather forecasts and your own observations of what the weather really was like! The next pages will tell you how to find out the forecasts, complete you diary and draw you own conclusions.
What you will need.. Access to a computer with internet access for about 15 mins each day for 7 days. Or To check the forecast outside HU2 everyday 7 Copies of the diary sheet. You can download these from the website or ask for copies.
Success Criteria Level 4 : Record the weather forecasts for each day and make some comments to describe the morning, afternoon and night time weather. Level 5: as level 4, but with detailed comments and some evidence that the forecast was right or wrong. Level 6: as level 5 but with more detail and evidenced conclusions about the accuracy of the forecast.
You will need seven copies of the weather diary sheet You can down load and print from the learning zone or geography sections or you can print copies of slide 6 on this presentation.
Part 1: Obtaining the Weather Forecast You will need to do this about the same time each day for consecutive 7 days (Once a day at the same time for five days one after another). 1.Log onto a computer with internet access. 2.Go the website: 3.Type in your home town (Where you live) into the search box. 4.Click on the tab Next 24 hours If you home town does not come up type in “Ibstock” and use the forecast for Ibstock each day. Look at the forecast Weather for the Next 24 Hours
For each of the 8 sections of the 24 hour forecast you must complete the correct boxes on your diary sheet to show: 1. Write down the time and date the forecast refers to e.g th Sept 2. Draw the symbol given: 3. Write down what it means e.g. Heavy Rain 4. Write down the temperature expected e.g. 16 Degrees Celsius 5. Write down the wind direction e.g.SSW 6. Write down the wind speed e.g.13 miles per hour 7. Write down the pressure e.g.1011 mb 8. Write down the visibility e.g.Poor Well done you have recorded the forecast for one 3 hour period! Now record the forecast for all the other seven periods that will make up the 24 hours.
This part of your screen will look like this… This gives the weather forecast for the next 24 hours in 3 hour intervals. This is the weather that meteorologist expect us to have. This information is available for larger towns and cities across the UK. Now use this information to start your diary sheet for that day. If you are unable to access the weather forecast this way you can copy the information from the next 24 hour forecast for Ibstock, which will be posted on the notice board outside Hu2 from 8.00 am every weekday.
Part 2 Starting your Diary Sheet The example on the next slide will show you what to record for each 3 hour period of each 24 hour forecast. Write down the time and date of the forecast on your diary sheet e.g. Saturday 11th September at 9.45 BST
Part 3 Testing the Forecast We now need to make observations to find out if the forecast is right! You do not have to make any measurements or use specialist equipment, but you must look outside for evidence e.g. clouds, sunshine, wet roads, frost that will tell you what the weather has been like during these periods. Morning (7.00 am to 1.00 pm) Afternoon (1.00 pm to 7.00pm) Overnight (7.00pm to 7.00am) A. Write a description of the weather during these periods. Is it sunny, cloudy, raining, dry, clear, foggy, warm, cool or hot?) You need to comment on Precipitation (Rainfall), Temperature, Wind, Visibility. B. Now add a conclusion. Comment on how accurate the forecast was for each time period. Was the forecast right or wrong? Give evidence e.g. Did it say it was going to be sunny, but it has rained?