What is the weather like today? Is it sunny/windy/snowy today? Good morning everyone! What is the weather like today? Is it sunny/windy/snowy today? What season is it now? What is the weather like in winter?
At our lesson we’re going to… Topic: Weather mix At our lesson we’re going to… learn new vocabulary; learn how to talk about the weather; practice our listening and speaking skills; learn what is the weather like in different countries.
“Four seasons in a year” Let’s sing the song! “Four seasons in a year” додаток 3
Watch the “International Weather Report” and fill the table with the information about the weather in different countries.
“International weather Watch the video “International weather report” додаток 4
Do the crossword: S N O W Y J A P A N A U S T R A L I A R A I N Y S U N N Y F O G G Y
to sunbathe
frosty freezing
Listen to the text and fill in the table.
Country Weather Actions England wet rainy watching TV playing boarding games Argentina cloudy walking in the park windy having picnics not cold Canada snowing building snowman freezing playing with snow cold Australia hot swimming sunny sunbathing fishing
Discuss the questions in pairs: What are people in England doing? What’s the weather in Argentina like? Where are people swimming and sunbathing? What’s the weather like in Canada?
Sing the song and repeat the movements! Let’s warm up! Sing the song and repeat the movements! додаток 5
Read the letter to Taras on p.149, ex.3a and answer the questions: When does spring officially start and finish in Britain? Why do people in Britain talk about the weather a lot? How can you start a talk with a stranger in Britain? Which months do you think the great poet Lord Byron liked best? Why?
Write a composition “Winter in Ukraine” HOMETASK: Write a composition “Winter in Ukraine”
Summarizing sky white Falling Day Cold Snow snow snow we Listen to the song and fill in the missing words: Snow Falling from the _______ Soft and _________, __________ through the air _______ and night, _______ and bright, Pretty sight, _______, _______, _______! At last _____ know It’s snow, snow, snow! sky white Falling Day Cold Snow snow snow we