1 Corinthians 2:14-3:3 Advanced Christianity Part 1
Advanced Christianity Means Radical Change: Means Radical Change: –More than the things you’re DOING… –More than a change of ATTITUDE… –More than a change in RELATIONSHIPS…
Advanced Christianity Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature; a wisdom, however, not of this age…we speak God's wisdom… 1Cor 2:6
Advanced Christianity What means: Romans 12:2 What means: Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world… “but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” What is a “conformist” ? What is a “conformist” ? –Someone who buys into a belief mainly because others buy into it…
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” What is a “conformist” ? What is a “conformist” ? Signs of Conformity: Signs of Conformity: –Holding a ‘popular’ belief system, but unable to explain what it is… –Unwilling to think critically about their view… –“Blending in” to avoid contempt…
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” What is a “conformist” ? What is a “conformist” ? Signs of Conformity Signs of Conformity Why “resist” conformity? Why “resist” conformity? –God wants us to think critically! –Our friends may be confused! –Others may actually be wrong! »“People love the darkness…” »Materialism, Hedonism, Self-ism… “Do not be conformed to this world…” Rom. 12:2
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” What is a “conformist” ? What is a “conformist” ? Signs of Conformity Signs of Conformity Why “resist” conformity? Why “resist” conformity? –God wants us to think critically! –Our friends may be confused! –Others may actually be wrong! –Even if they’re right, it’s wrong! »Waving aside my humanity! »It’s YOUR Decisions, YOUR Life!
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” What is a “conformist” ? What is a “conformist” ? Signs of Conformity Signs of Conformity Why “resist” conformity? Why “resist” conformity? Today: a Society of Extreme Conformity! Today: a Society of Extreme Conformity! –The Postmodern Era –“Truth is unclear and unknowable…” –“Truth is a matter of personal taste…”
Consider These Opinions…
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” What is a “conformist” ? What is a “conformist” ? Signs of Conformity Signs of Conformity Why “resist” conformity? Why “resist” conformity? Even if they’re right, it’s wrong! Even if they’re right, it’s wrong! Today: a Society of Extreme Conformity! Today: a Society of Extreme Conformity! –The Postmodern Era –“Truth is unclear and unknowable…” –“Truth is a matter of personal taste…” –The “new era of McCarthyism…” We have moved from the conviction that everyone has a right to his own opinions to the notion that every opinion is equally right! - Erwin Lutzer. Christ Among Other Gods. Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1994, p.30
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” Postmodernism: The Christian Response? NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” “The Immaculate Conception as Perverted in the Pagan Harry Potter Books” “New Harry Potter Book shares pre-sale frenzy with Dungeons and Dragons” “Harry Potter Lures Kids to Witchcraft”
The Success of “Run away!” Source: “The Last Christian Generation” J.McDowell 94% among non-Christians
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” Postmodernism: The Christian Response? NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” I never told you not to associate with the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world…” 1 Cor. 5:10
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” Postmodernism: The Christian Response? NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” NOT: Emergent Church NOT: Emergent Church Emergent Church: At its heart “lies the conviction that changes in the culture signal that a new church is ‘emerging.’ Christian leaders must therefore adapt to this emerging church. Those who fail to do so are blind to the cultural accretions…”
Advanced Christianity: “Don’t be conformed…” Postmodernism: The Christian Response? NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” NOT: “Run Away…! Hide!” NOT: Emergent Church NOT: Emergent Church God’s Solution: God’s Solution: –“But be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove…” Rom. 12:2 –Precisely Paul’s Point: But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no man. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he should instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ!
Next Week: “But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no man. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he should instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ!”
Questions? Comments?