HE in FE Assessment and IQER Assessment Frameworks York College Bob Saynor, Assistant Principal Jan Young, Assessment and Validation Coordinator
Good Practice HECFE 2009/05 Extract from higher education strategy; The College position, currently, in the establishment of HEI partnerships, can be described as best fit. This best fit is primarily based upon a [College] curriculum teams relationship and understanding of the partner HEI programme content and delivery and building a working relationship to deliver a quality product. This range of partnerships will ensure [that] future planned growth will be developed where the subject/sector expertise is complementary with each partners institutional portfolio, and where effective and strong academic/vocational staff links work well for the benefit of the students.
Awarding Bodies Leeds Metropolitan University (Direct) York St John University (Direct) Sheffield Hallam University (Direct) University of York (In-direct) University of Huddersfield (In-direct) Edexcel (Direct)
Awards BA (Hons) full awards and level 6 top-ups Foundation Degrees Contained Awards (Cert. and Dip. in HE) – for students following a BA or FD PGCE/CertEd Higher Nationals April 2011
IQER Summative Review Good Practice the use of the assessment frameworks, which provide clear guidance to staff and students on College and awarding body regulations and procedures, enables the College to manage effectively the arrangements with multiple awarding bodies
What are the Assessment Frameworks? For staff and students Describe assessment practices for awards / groups of awards Aligns the principles set out in the York College Assessment Policy with University regulations. Approved by the Universities at centre/award validation
Indicative Content Describe assessment practices in awards / groups of awards From planning, through delivery, to marking and certification Roles and responsibilities of those involved Internal and External Quality Assurance
How these are approved by the Awarding Bodies Approved by the Universities at centre/award validation Implementation monitored by University representatives / External Examiners Updated annually to track changes in college policy / university regulations
Variations between Awarding Bodies Minor Variations Penalties for late work Conduct of External Examination Boards Grade boundaries Calculation of final classification Major Differences Appeals Management
Example sections from an Assessment Framework Some standard FE practice was applied to HE Setting and approval of assessments Some college systems were developed for HE Central script submission Extenuating circumstances procedures Some university requirements were adopted solely for HE Appeals against decisions of Examination Boards
Discussion Examples of current practice from members of the audience.
Questions? Bob Saynor Assistant Principal (Lifelong Learning & HE) Jan Young Assessment and Validation Coordinator