CORE Public Policy Forum Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Administrator.


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Presentation transcript:

CORE Public Policy Forum Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Administrator March 8, 2006

CORE Public Policy Forum 2 Agenda Mission & Goals FY 2005 Accomplishments OAP Progress GEOSS/IOOS Status Update FY 2006 & FY 2007 Ocean Research and Education Budget Overview

CORE Public Policy Forum 3 NOAA’s Mission & Goals To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and to conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs Mission Goals: Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Support the Nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission

CORE Public Policy Forum 4 FY 2005 Accomplishments Hurricane Katrina Response Enhanced Tsunami Warning Program Responded to Toxic Marine Outbreaks Publication of 20-Year NOAA Research Vision Ocean Action Plan Taskforce for Offshore Ocean Management Regime JSOST and SIMOR workplans DART Buoy Expansion Katrina Flooding Impacts Evaluation

CORE Public Policy Forum 5 GEOSS & US GEO Integrated Observations & Data Management GEOSS A director of the GEO Secretariat has been hired We have a 2006 work plan at the international level GEO-Netcast The U.S. agreed to move a geostationary satellite to provide better environmental satellite coverage over South America. US GEO Plans are being developed for the six following areas for completion in early 2006 Air Quality Disasters NIDIS Sea Level Change Land Observations Architecture & Data Management

CORE Public Policy Forum 6 Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) New Director of Ocean.US IOOS Development Plan Approved Interagency Working Group Established NOAA’s Next Steps

CORE Public Policy Forum 7 NOAA Budget ($ in Billions)

CORE Public Policy Forum 8 NOAA Program Status ORF Programs ($ in Millions) ’06 Request ‘06 Enacted ’06 Delta ’07 RequestFY’06 Impacts 1NCCOS$47.9$53.2$5.3$47.0 Extramural Research funding decreased from $16.6M to $9.9M 2NURP$10.5$9.1($1.4)$9.2 NOAA is evaluating options to prevent closure of East Coast NURP Centers in FY06 3OE$22.7$14.2($8.5)$15.1 Likely to by delays in programs and cuts in funding 4 Other Ecosystem Programs $4.15.5$1.4$4.1 Includes Aquatic Invasive Species Program and Marine Aquaculture Program 5Sea Grant$61.2$54.7($6.5)$54.8 May be a reduction in Sea Grant Services 6 Ocean & Coastal Management $126.7$133.1$6.4$127.9 Includes Coastal Zone Management, the Marine Sanctuary Program and NERRS

CORE Public Policy Forum 9 Additional FY06 Impacts A decrease in funding for the NURP program may result in the cancellation of some coral, undersea, fisheries and marine protected area research A decrease in funding for Ocean Exploration will delay construction of OKEANOS EXPLORER’S ROV from 2006 to 2007 There will be reduced funding for partnerships with and funded grants to the NOPP and Census of Marine Life, among other programs Sea Grant may see a reduction in scientific research, education, and outreach services due to FY 06 Appropriation NOAA FY07 request includes an increase of approximately $6M for NCCOS external research, for a total of $15.8M FY07 Request continues the Sea Grant program at $54.8M

CORE Public Policy Forum 10 Education at NOAA FY 07 Funding includes $19.5M in continued support for NOAA's Office of Education There is a new funding framework for the Ernest F. Hollings and Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarships NOAA’s Challenge: Decreased FY06 appropriations for NOAA-wide Education Initiatives

CORE Public Policy Forum 11 FY 06 Success Stories NPOESS request funded 100% and increased funding for Operations Research and Facilities by $24.6M over request Marine Operations and Services funded at $111.3M and increase of $11.5M over request including full year days at sea for HI’IALAKAI and OSCAR DYSON Fully funds Tsunami Warning Network and includes congressional adjustments for enhancing the program $54.6M Emergency Supplemental Funds for Katrina and future hurricane related costs


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CORE Public Policy Forum 14 Planning Challenges ($ in Billions)

CORE Public Policy Forum 15 FY 2007 Budget Context NOAA Services are Crucial to Our Nation’s Competitiveness Severe Weather Impacting Our Economy and Public Safety Rising Coastal Populations Increase Demand for Ocean Resources Understanding Climate Change to Manage Resources Better NOAA Environmental Information Key to Millions of Decisions Every Day Fiscal Environment Requires Careful Resource Decisions