PASOS (Policy Association Soros for an Open Society) Meruert Makhmutova, member of former PASOS Acting Board Web: Warsaw, April 11, 2005
Why PASOS is established? Growth of the OSI Network of Public Policy Centers. The OSI recognized the need to develop more independent local capacity to analyze and promote policy options, drawing on best international experience but filtered through and drawing on local perspectives and expertise. This development resulted in investment by a number of programs and foundations of OSI in the support and creation of independent policy centers. Together the centers provide so far the national and international policy community with expertise on issues of human rights, economic development, management of governmental reforms, social policy, education, health, religion, international cooperation, small enterprises development, public participation, European integration and public sector management. The individual network centers have achieved so far this impact through a continuous presence in the political arena with high-quality analytical materials and through a capacity to organize structured dialog on domestic and international policy among interest groups.
Why PASOS is established? Seizing the opportunity of the enlarged EU. The key strategies broadly underpinning Union policy are the Lisbon Agenda, the creation of an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and the development and improvement of the Union's foreign policy instruments in the context of the EU Security Strategy, ratification of Constitutional treaty, financial perspective. Increased interest to NIS which are struggling with the challenge of building democracies can be now used. EU moved to borders of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, countries of Caucasus and has vital interests in neighboring countries. The New European Neighborhood policy (ENP) promises to share the benefits of the EU enlargement with neighboring countries in strengthening stability, security and well-being for all concerned. It is designed to prevent the emergence of new dividing lines between the enlarged EU and its neighbors and to offer them the chance to participate in various EU activities, through greater political, security, economic and cultural co-operation. Relations with the Western Balkans will remain an important priority for the EU. In the "The Thessaloniki agenda for the Western Balkans" the EC set out the concrete measures for EU/WB countries relations. The Stabilisation and Association Process is defined as the framework of the EU policy for the region, as well as the new elements drawn from the recent successful enlargement process
Why PASOS is established? Changes in the global context affecting Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia (EECCA). The aftermath of 11 September 2001, and the Afghanistan war have led to a greater focus on Central Asia. These geo-political changes are of long-term importance and of particular relevance to the EECCA region. As a result there has been an increased emphasis within the international community on combating terrorism, but also a greater awareness of the need to support democracy in the region.
Mission of the Association PASOS promotes and protects open society values, including democracy, rule of law, good governance, respect for and protection of human rights, economic and social development by supporting entities that foster public participation in public benefit matters.
Strategic goals To achieve concerted policy impact in building open society. To promote and support research and analytical capacity of entities formulating public interest policy. To have a continuous say in key issues of international relations, the future of the regions, and social transformation. To assist decision-making processes of public interests by providing information to decision-makers and the general public. To foster co-operation among PASOS members and other entities formulating public interest policy.
Objectives To increase the influence of each PASOS member; To raise the quality of products by developing standards; To raise the political and commercial competitiveness of PASOS members; To share experience among PASOS members and provide intra-training; To support the policy dialogue between the EU and EECCA partner states, and in particular the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreements, Partnership and Cooperation Agreements and the (New Neighborhood) Action Plans, where applicable.
PASOS guiding principles In PASOS overall operations its members will be guided by the following principles: Authority assured by high-quality research and the capacity to achieve policy impact. Relevance by addressing pressing public policy issues. Transparency and accountability in relation to other PASOS members and towards third parties Independence enhanced by diverse sources of funding Cooperation and inclusiveness by engaging in joint activities. Institutional effectiveness and efficiency by exchange of experience and sharing best practices Pursuing public interest
Activities Organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, joint working groups; Engaging its members into policy advocacy campaign and actions Facilitating joint projects and acting as a resource to its members; Marketing and disseminating information relevant to PASOS goals, including publishing and representation to third parties Developing appropriate standards for public policy research
PASOS will provide special services to its members: provision of access to information of interest to and about PASOS members representation to international and EU institutions promotion of policy products of PASOS members maintenance of data base of national and international experts distribution of publications and training materials of individual PASOS members provision of assistance in PASOS members’ fundraising efforts support for PASOS members in joining consortia and build partnerships interactions with other European and international networks provision of training to PASOS members in matters of public policy; initiation of comparative policy research under the various PASOS thematic working groups.
PASOS Contacts Jeff Lovitt Executive Director PASOS (Policy Association for an Open Society) Tesnov Praha 1 Czech Republic Tel/fax: Mobile: Web: