RPC project status report RPC IB meeting 29 march 2011 Pigi Paolucci
Agenda Approval: Agenda and minutes of the December meeting Organization chart endorsement Resource manager proposal Upgrade structure M&O-B and MoA 2011 budget and manpower (RM) TC-RC report DPG Upgrade report 29/03/112RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci
Organization chart organization chart was already approved but not the upgrade structure Let’s discuss the upgrade proposal and eventually endorse it. It is focused on the RE4 design and production ( ) We have time to improve the part related to the installation and commissioning ( ) In the next future we will come back to discuss about the “future upgrade” ( ) organization. 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci3
Project Manager P. Paolucci M. Tytgat & G. Pugliese Project Manager P. Paolucci M. Tytgat & G. Pugliese Run Coordinator L. Benussi H. Shahzad N. Zaganidis Run Coordinator L. Benussi H. Shahzad N. Zaganidis DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowski C. Carillo DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowski C. Carillo Upgrade G. Iaselli A.Sharma S. Buontempo Upgrade G. Iaselli A.Sharma S. Buontempo Institution Board L. Litov Resource manager A. Colaleo Steering committee W. Van Doninck, M. Maggi H. Hoorani, A. Colaleo, A. Sharma (PM+DPM+RC+TC+DPG) 29/03/114RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci Tech. Coordination S. Buontempo A. Dimitrov Tech. Coordination S. Buontempo A. Dimitrov Conference Committee S. Park, B. Pavlov Conference Committee S. Park, B. Pavlov Editorial board S. Qian, M. Abbrescia S. Bianco Editorial board S. Qian, M. Abbrescia S. Bianco
Organization chart Main institutions have member in the organization chart All the RPC senior physicists have been contacted and most of them have now a clear position in the chart Upgrade positions have to be assigned in the next months Thanks everybody for the contribution given in the discussion and to who accepted to be part of the game 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci5
Institution Board Leander Litov is the chairman of the Institution Board since today. RPC MB will closely work with him in all the aspect related to the Institution Board (see CMS constitution) Editorial Board, Conference Committee, new institutions.. Next IB meeting will be managed by Leander Editorial board and conference committee have to begin to work as soon as possible. We suggest to rotate the chairman every year and to choose the chair by yourself. 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci6
Steering Committee 29/03/11 RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci 7 Chairman: Hafeez Hoorani Members: A. Colaleo, M. Maggi, A. Sharma, W. Van Doninck The RPC management board will consult the SC to get help on very urgent and crucial tasks and to solve delicate scientific issues. The experience of the 5 senior physicists members is a guarantee for the RPC project and will help us a lot in the future.
DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowsk C. Carillo DPG D. Piccolo K. Bunkowsk C. Carillo Run Coordinator L. Benussi H. Shahzad N. Zaganidis Run Coordinator L. Benussi H. Shahzad N. Zaganidis SoftwareValidation/ Data Certification J. Gho SoftwareValidation/ Data Certification J. Gho Detector perfomance C. Calabria Detector perfomance C. Calabria Online K. Bunkowski Online K. Bunkowski Offline D. Piccolo Offline D. Piccolo Detector & trigger analysis C. Carillo Detector & trigger analysis C. Carillo Phys Valid Tool S. Costantini Phys Valid Tool S. Costantini Detector impact on trigger Resp. Detector impact on trigger Resp. Calibration Streams M. Maggi Calibration Streams M. Maggi WBM U. Berzano WBM U. Berzano Run Quality Tae Jeong Run Quality Tae Jeong Noise tools S. Costantini Noise tools S. Costantini DQM A. Cimmino DQM A. Cimmino Skims S. Tupputi Skims S. Tupputi Simulation B. Pavlov Simulation B. Pavlov Local Reco C. Carrillo Local Reco C. Carrillo DataBase M. Maggi DataBase M. Maggi Trigger DB M Szlepper Trigger DB M Szlepper Configuration K. Bunkowski DCS software Detector DB Manpower needed Not covered Covered 29/03/118RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci Non event data P. Petkov Non event data P. Petkov DPG-POG Min Suk Kim DPG-POG Min Suk Kim Upgrade Resp. Upgrade Resp.
29/03/119RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci Technical Coordination S. Buontempo A. Dimitrov Technical Coordination S. Buontempo A. Dimitrov Mainten. & repair. (RE,RE) Dimitrov & Shahzad Mainten. & repair. (RE,RE) Dimitrov & Shahzad Upgrade G. Iaselli A. Sharma S. Buontempo Upgrade G. Iaselli A. Sharma S. Buontempo Bakelite HPL CERN test stand CERN CERN test stand CERN Gap production Chamber mechanics Chamber mechanics Ghent site M. Tytgat Ghent site M. Tytgat India site L. Pant India site L. Pant CERN site CERN CERN site CERN Chamber QC at CERN Chamber design Off-detector electronic Off-detector electronic Cooling J. Crotty Cooling J. Crotty Gas Benussi Gas Benussi Trigger Warsaw Trigger Warsaw Documentation Dimitrov Documentation Dimitrov Equipment DB D. Uzunova Equipment DB D. Uzunova Electronics F. Loddo Electronics F. Loddo DCS hardware Resp. DCS hardware Resp. Test beam Nicolas Test beam Nicolas R&D N. Zaganidis R&D N. Zaganidis GIF activity Power system Power cable Signal cable Chamber production High eta Chamber instal. Cable instal. Commissioning at P5 Commissioning at P5 RE1/1 at P5 Run coordination & Upgrade Manpower needed Not covered Covered
Critical task We still have few important tasks not covered: – Online Database (Warsaw is looking for a student) – Detector Control System (none) – Power system (temporary solution) – Offline Database (Bari group) – WMB (none from July 2011) 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci10
Resource manager It is now time to assign the position of the resource manager (myself in the 2010) Resource manager is designed by the project manager and endorsed by the IB After having discussed with Gabriella and Michael, with some institution leaders and colleagues I would like to submit to you the name of Anna Colaleo She knows perfectly the RPC project and is now the national Italian representative (resource manager of the RPC Italian budget) Please to send me comments in the next 10 days and let us endorse the position via 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci11
News and goals HV scan and efficiency studies and FEB configuration Very good collaboration with steering committee, RC/TC/DPG groups and CMS experts It was a clear example of cross-coordination and coherent work This is the way our collaboration should work and to do this we need: Task force group for special issue Manpower flexibility Usage of external experts from CMS and/or Institutions Some budget; as usual 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci12
Next issues Important issues to work on in the next month: WBM deployment at CAF/P5 !!! manpower needed DQM efficiencies and DB Noise and DB CMS center instructions for shifters – test pilot needed Upgrade schedule and milestones Upgrade money matrix 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci13 PVT
Construction and docDB 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci14 I would like to remind you we have hired a DB expert (Daniela) to work for 3 months on the construction DB. She is doing a very good job but is now stuck for lack of information and collaboration. Question: if the construction DB is not on top of our list of priority I will close to task Anton is supervising both the construction DB and docDB RPC docDB is almost ready. We need to clean our twiki page
29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci15 fielditemsFTE cost (K € ) cost (KCHF) MANPOWER Detector reparation0,5016,825,2 Electronic (TTU+FEB+CB) reparation0,082,84,2 HV-LV repar. And maint.0,175,68,4 HV-LV firmware upgrade0,175,68,4 DCS - DQM - DB software upgrade0,5016,825,2 DCS - DQM machine maint.0,175,68,4 Sensors upgrade endcap upgrade endcap0,175,68,4 Gas gas test and reparation0,3311,216,8 Gas Monitoring repair and maint.0,175,68,4 Cooling repar. and maint.0,175,68,4 TOTAL 2,4281,2121,8 MATERIALS chamber maintenance detector 6,6710 Server (5 DCS + 3 DQM + 3 GGM) upgrade (every 2-3 years) 3,335,0 FE electronics spare and maintenance 16,6725,0 HV-LV spares 0,000,0 HV-LV-ADC CAEN maintenance 21,3332,0 HV-LV-ADC cable, connect. distrib 5,338,0 Areas P5 lab - ISR- GIF infrastr. 16,6725,0 Gas Monitoring materials 10,0015,0 Gas Monitoring spares 3,335,0 Electronic Pool - CERN store 12,6719,0 Communicationtelephone for shifters and experts 2,003 TOTAL (maintenance and reparation) 91,3147,0 Grand Total 172,5268,8
M&O-B sharing 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci16 M&O 2010# ESP Amount due KCHF ManpowerCash Approved Peking univ 26,43,2 SKK Univ (Korea) 26,4 38,4 Korea Korea Univ (Korea) 1032,0 Chonnam (Korea) 00,0 Mumbai-Barc (India) 13,2 Chandigarh (India) 39,61,58,1 Ghent (Belgium) 928,8 Brussel Univ (Blgium) 13,2 Uniandes 26,4 Pakistan 619,29,6 Asrt-Enhep (Egypt) 39,65,14,8 CERN 412,8 Bari 1238,4 LNF 516,0 Napoli 928,8 92,8 Italy YES Pavia 39,6 Sofia Univ 619,29,6 Sofia INRE 619,29,6 RPC TOTAL84 KCHF 268,8KCHF 38,6KCHF 230,5
M&O-B trend /03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci17
2011 manpower status Mircho3 monthsMay Umberto3 months (+ 3 from CERN)June Anton12 monthsDec Alaa3 months (+ 3 from Egypt)Aug Cimmino2 monthsFeb Uzunova3 monthsMay Tech2Jan/Feb Total28 months 120 KCHF + ? 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci18
manpower positions We have two very critical position to assure for the next two year: – Detector expert – Trigger and DAQ expert Since the last years the positions are covered in the best way by Anton and Karol Karol fellow finish in Sept 2011 Anton contract finish in June /03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci19
manpower positions I would like to submit to you the following proposal: Detector Expert - Anton Extend the Project Associate to the December months Trigger and DAQ expert - Karol Support the fellow extension of 6 months Prepare a PA until the end of 2012 (shared with CMS trigger project) – 8-10 months 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci20
2011 Budget status Material cost (march 2011) 8.5 KCHF Material cost estimate 40.0 KCHF Manpower present cost120.0 KCHF Manpower estimate 60.0 KCHF Varie 10.0 KCHF Total238.5 KCHF 2011 contribution230.0 KCHF 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci21
2010 budget carry over 2010 Cash contribution269 KCHF expenditure (2009 debt included) 213 KCHF carry over = 56 KCHF - Jan/Mar 2011 expenditure 55 KCHF Present budget = 1 KCHF We need to open the 2011 contributions 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci22
ESP 2011 ESP 2011 are now in production Few bugs have been fixed today 2010 pledges were not well done !! Be careful this year Pledge will be closed in 2 weeks from now: – Shift are automatically linked to the ESP (we don’t have to pledge shifts) – We don’t have to exceed the needed FTE – MB will check the pledges and will approve only the work really done and certified by the coordinators – Please contact coordinators and MB for any question or doubt before inserting any pledge. Data and Operation Manager are at 50% CMS central shift 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci23
ProjectActivityTaskNeeded (months)FteTotal x cat. Muon-RPCDetector HardwareTechnical coordinator6,000,50 Muon-RPCDetector HardwareChamber10,000,83 Muon-RPCDetector HardwareElectronics3,000,25 Muon-RPCDetector HardwareServices3,000,25 Muon-RPCElectronics and DAQPower System3,000,25 Muon-RPCElectronics and DAQDCS-DSS3,000,25 Muon-RPCElectronics and DAQElectronic configuration10,000,83 Muon-RPCElectronics and DAQGas Gain Monitor3,000,25 Muon-RPCElectronics and DAQDAQ and online DB4,000,33 45,00 Muon-RPCSoftware and DQMDPG coordinator6,000,50 Muon-RPCSoftware and DQMDQM12,001,00 Muon-RPCSoftware and DQMDCS & WBM12,001,00 Muon-RPCSoftware and DQMPVT6,000,50 Muon-RPCSoftware and DQMSimulation4,000,33 Muon-RPCSoftware and DQMDatabase10,000,83 Muon-RPCSoftware and DQMPrompt Analysis36,003,00 86,00 Muon-RPCOperationRun coordinator6,000,50 Muon-RPCOperationOperation Manager shift*11,000,92 Muon-RPCOperationCAF shift*11,000,92 Muon-RPCOperationData Manage shiftr*11,000,92 39,00 Muon-RPCOperationUpgrade coordinator6,000,50 Muon-RPCUpgradeSoftware4,000,33 Muon-RPCUpgradeBakelite production and test3,000,25 Muon-RPCUpgradeGap production8,000,25 Muon-RPCUpgradeChamber design2,000,25 Muon-RPCUpgradeChamber construction24,002,00 Muon-RPCUpgradeChamber test at 9047,000,58 Muon-RPCUpgradeFront-end electronic3,000,25 Muon-RPCUpgradeTrigger electronic7,000,58 Muon-RPCUpgradeServices4,000,33 Muon-RPCUpgradeR&D at high eta2,000,17 Muon-RPCUpgradeSimulation at high eta2,000,17 72,00 Muon-RPCManagementLV324,002,00 Muon-RPCManagementLV2 IB - CC - EB chairman3,000,25 Muon-RPCManagementLV2 steering committee3,000,25 272,0021,33 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci24
ESP – short instructions Before pledging anyone please contact the coordinator and the MB to discuss about the number of months. Example: – LV3 management is 1 month max – Steering committee is 3 months / 5 people – LV2 IB - CC - EB chairman is 3 months/ 6 people – LV3s can also pledge work on the specific item – LV1 is not an ESP – no pledge – Shifts cannot be pledged 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci25
2011 Agenda 29/03/11 RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci 26 General Meeting:Thursday at 9:30(1 per month) DPG/RC:Thursday at 9:30(3 per month) Tech coordination:Monday at 9:00(weekly) Upgrade: Tuesday at 9:00(weekly) Management:Wed at 10:00(weekly) restricted ISR meeting:Monday 14:00(weekly) technical 904 meeting:Wed 10:00(weekly) technical GEM meeting: Tuesday 14:00(weekly) technical Upgrade RE4 Workshopto be decided Upgrade High Eta Workshopto be decided Let me ask the 4 coordinators and deputies to actively participate to the 3 weekly meetings. Unique project
RPC “social” dinner tonight at 20:30 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci27 La Villa du Lac – Divonne Les Bains It is just in front le lake Sorry but not more than the 34 people already registered From Highway: 1. after the “douane” go straight 2. turn right at the second roundabout 3. After 400 meter there is a roundabout, go straight 4. The Hotel is on the left From GEX: 1. Follow “highway to Geneve” indication. 2. Then indication to “promenade” or “Villa du Lac”
Conclusion Project is in good shape and many improvements have been done during the shut-down ESP pledge letters deadline is in 2 weeks. Manpower: DCS – WBM – Online experts – detector expert 2010 expenditure were in line with our budget 269 KCHF : we have to cover 2 critical tasks 2011 budget is necessary – contribution request in few days 29/03/11RPC IB meeting - Pigi Paolucci28