Pixel hybrid status & issues Outline Pixel hybrid overview ALICE1 readout chip Readout options at PHENIX Other issues Plans and activities K. Tanida (RIKEN) 06/09/03 Si upgrade workshop
Pixel hybrid overview Separated sensor and readout chip (bump bonded) Development at CERN for ~ 10 years. - ALICE and other experiments PHENIX plan - first barrel layer - may also be used for endcap pixels readout chips sensor
Ladder structure for barrel pixel 8 chips/ladder + 1 pilot 20 ladders 8192 x 8 x 20 = 1.3 Mchannel (occupancy ~ 1% for Au-Au central) ladder pilot chip pixel chips data bus with chip select optical link cross section side view
Pixel chip (ALICE1 chip) 32 x 256 pixels of 425 m (z) x 50 m (r ) size: 13.6 mm x mm
Block diagram Preamp shaper discriminator binary output delay unit for trigger latency 4 event buffer
ALICE1 chip readout 1 channel 1 bit (binary) 32 parallel lines, each reads 256 channels serially readout speed: 10 MHz 25.6 s/chip - ALICE reads 10 chips serially via pilot chip 256 s/event ALICE1 has data buffer for 4 events No data format (header, footer, parity bits...) - must be taken care at somewhere (FEM?) L1 trigger latency: 5.5 s
ALICE1 readout 32 parallel, 256 serial MHz s to read one chip ALICE ladder: 10 chips serial s/event L1 trigger latency: 5.5 s readout
Pilot chip multi chip module Takes care of readout, slow control (via JTAG), etc. ALICE PCMCM: Consists of 4 parts - Analog pilot (A), Digital pilot (D), GOL (G), and optical link driver (O) Analog pilot -- monitors temperature, etc. G + O drives G link. Bandwidth: 1.28 Gb/s Digital pilot -- main chip A D G O 15.5 mm 51 mm
ALICE PHENIX What are different? - readout time (256 s/event in ALICE, 40 s in PHENIX) - event buffer (4 in ALICE1, PHENIX requires 5) - zero suppresstion, data format - L1 trigger timing (5.5 s 4 s) is OK. Solution? - depends on readout time limit - parallelize readout (2 or more pilot chips in a ladder, sequential parallel readout, etc.) - development of our own pilot and/or other FEM necessary
PHENIX readout options Parallel readout - 8 chips 32x8 = 256 lines - digital pilot: FPGA, ASIC. How many? - data bus: higher density, more layers Data transfer to DAQ ×8 bit/event 1.6 Gb/s > optical link speed (ALICE: 1.28 Gb/s) - zero suppression at frontend: pilot or other FEM? - data format Pilot chips and ladder bus options will be discussed in the next talk.
Other issues Development of FEM + DCM Heat load - ~ 1W/chip x 160 chips = 160 W requires liquid cooling Bump bonding + thinning - wafer level bonding - thickness goal: 150 m - ALICE is working on this RIKEN made a contract with ALICE ALICE will provide thinned, bump bonded chips
Material budget Goal: 1% radiation length Sensor: 200 m Si (0.22%) ALICE1: 150 m Si (0.16%) ladder bus: 200 m Al + kapton (~ 0.15%) mechanical support + cooling: 500 m Carbon + ? (~ 0.3%)? glue: ~ 0.1%?
Plans and actvities Goal: to install barrel pixel layer in : prototyping - pilot chip (FPGA, ASIC): Iowa, RIKEN - ladder bus: RIKEN - cooling and meachanical design: LANL (Hytec), RIKEN RIKEN-CERN(ALICE) contract - ALICE will provide bump-bonded thinned hybrids in Pilot chips and bus themselves are not included in the contract : mass production
Cost estimate Sensor + ALICE1 hybrid: 200 k$ Pilot chip MCM: 450 k$ (R&D) (185) Ladder: 550 k$ (R&D) (50) FEM +DCM: 205 k$ (R&D) (135) Total: ~1.4 M$ (0.4)
RIKEN activities CERN - J. M. Heuser, H. Onshi, and H. Kano participate in NA60 and ALICE - ALICE1 chip worked well in NA60 - Learning pilot and bus technologies KEK engineers are also participating Wako - First bus prototype in Autumn New pilot prototype in Autumn or in Winter.
dipole magnet muon filter 2 beamscope stations up to 5 targets (microstrip planes in pA) 16 pixel planes The NA60 Experiment (NA50 di-muon spectrometer + additional vertex spectrometer) “Study of open charm and prompt dimuon production in proton-nucleus and heavy ion collisions” Tracking: precise beam tracking accurate track + vertex reconstruction in high multiplicity environment, in magnetic field Innovative Si detectors: cryogenic silicon strips rad-hard pixel detectors beam muon spectrometer vertex tracker
pixel detector developed at CERN for application in ALI CE and LHCb. ALICE1LHCb chip: 8192 pixels of 50 µm x 425 µm, radiation hard. 16 NA60 specific 4- and 8-chip planes, 10 MHz clk, 200 ns strobe. acceptance 3 < < 4. PCI readout by NA60. Linux based DAQ. 1.0 cm The NA60 Pixel Detector The first 4-chip pixel plane Hit map A cosmic ray in the 300 µm thin plane? June 2002 : the first 4-chip plane in 400 GeV/c proton beam 16-plane pixel detector telescope
first three 4-chip pixel planes constructed. test of vertex spectrometer with 20 and 30 GeV/c Pb beams on Pb targets, preparing for physics run in tracking and vertex reconstruction with pixel planes. NA60 Pixels – October 2002
Summary Conceptual design is almost done based on ALICE scheme. Largest issue is readout speed pilot/bus modification is necessary Prototyping has started. Continues until Mass production is expected in Our plan is to install barrel pixel layer in 2006.